[quote=@Crowvette] Woo! And to keep the hype up I got [url=https://twitter.com/aigh_ehm/status/1553903248532049921]another drawing of Io[/url] done! I think this one might actually be better for her RP portrait than the original. Not that I'm asking for them to be swapped, but I figured it might be fun to share. [/quote] [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/724/256/b8e.jpg[/img] --- [@Enkryption], [@Hammerman], [@AzureKnight] (ATS & HIN), [@Restalaan] (GRI) I didn't start the Sorae quest yet because everyone was needs to deal with an enraged Alice. I also want to give Alice the chance to join them or resume the legendary tale (in which case, she might be joined by Takeshi). [@Restalaan] (SKA), [@Rezod92], [@Nakushita], [@Dark Cloud] I screwed up. The warriors outside are supposed to be pink-armored, not blue. Sorry about that.