[center][h3]Zarif[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lYkurse.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent] The archer let out a odd groan as he clutched at the ruin of eye desperately. It took the young man, barley a teen in truth, a whole 5 seconds to realize he was dead. A wet [b]THUNK[/b] punctuated the fact, as Zarif glanced over his shoulder, back at that inhabited house he had noticed before. [b]Zarif:[/b] Rats! Damn you Makeen! First that incident with the crossbow, now you steal my... ugh Salador spat to the side, obviously agreeing with his life-long friend's annoyance. Houses like that, with scared villagers always gave neat prizes. It was how he'd gotten this strangely soft headband! Quickly, he noticed two other foes, one with an axe, the other with a spear. [i]One at a time... get closer to one, then the other[/i]. Though he heard a few frustrated shouts cxoming from the other side of the houses, he was just too far away to provide any aid. Salador bounded off to a small patch of Cypress trees, and readied his short spear [center][sub][i]Zarif moves 3 tiles north-west to 9-34 and takes up a position in the forest. He also equips his short spear [/i][/sub][/center][/indent][/indent] [center][hider=Statsheet ][img width="50" height="50"]https://i.imgur.com/YH4iGhN.png[/img][/hider][/center]