[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220726/3703c2a364e874b6ebe38688d32a2729.png[/img][/center] [color=C9C0BB]Frostwhisker always thought that vigils were easy to get through. She had heard of some tricks that young warriors told to-be apprentices in order for them to ride through their own vigils as painless as possible. Unfortunately, none of these so-called tricks worked for her. She tried to count the stars in the sky, though it was far too easy to lose her place, and she had to start over every time. Then she would think of what she would do if she was a shark in the ocean and dream of underwater tales of adventure. Yet, to say that Frostwhisker was exhausted at the end of the night was a huge understatement. By the time the sun peeked over the horizon, tinging the dark waters a brilliant amber, Frostwhisker wasn’t sure she could feel her paws anymore. But there were things to be done as a warrior, and she was going to accomplish any task that was to be laid at her paws. Dawnstar’s first task, however, was one that almost knocked her over. She stared at her leader in shock, her eyes wide as moons. Going to FireClan? Why couldn’t she stay there? Her first day as a warrior, and Dawnstar was already kicking her out? She felt the fur at the back of her neck begin to bristle, though she forced it to lay flat with a pained swallow. Her tail, however, lashed back and forth in frustration a pawful of times. [color=659EC7][b]”I’ll be proud to serve BreezeClan, Dawnstar. But, I have to ask, wouldn’t it be better to send an older warrior..? I only became one yesterday,”[/b][/color] she murmured, her voice uncharacteristically low. She dropped her eyes towards the floor in anticipation of her answer. There was no point in debating with her leader. Dawnstar’s word was law, even if it made no sense. [/color]