“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Mila laughed, as Charlie apologized about the slight clutter. “It just looks lived in. Cozy. I think I could…” her words gradually slowed as her attention shifted from the quaint apartment to the young woman’s slender neck as Charlie removed her scarf and coat. “…I could see myself living in a place like this,” she finished softly, closing the door and turning the lock. She felt a sudden split second of intense temptation then, as the door lock clicked into place. In that brief moment, while the girl’s back was still turned, it would have taken no effort at all for the vampire to move forward, take what she wanted and be done. How fast and easy it might have been to press her roughly against the wall, tilt back her chin, and sink her fangs into the supple skin. She imagined the girl putting up a short struggle, until that overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation sank in, the one every victim felt from a vampire’s bite. Then she would go soft and limp and submissive. She might even beg her to continue. Mila could feel her incisors begin to sharpen as the scene played out fancifully in her head… But instead she willed the temptation away. They were in the privacy of the apartment now, but that didn’t mean someone wouldn’t be able to hear them should the woman scream. More than that, if Mila struck now, that would be it. She’d have to finish her right then. And it might be satisfying for a moment, but it would be over too fast. Now that she’d possibly found a permanent living arrangement, it would be foolish to take the spoils now. There was a certain thrill in catching her meals by surprise, but it paled in comparison to the thrill of the hunt – the delight of circling her prey slowly, encouraging them to give in to her charms little by little until she had them ensnared. If blood intoxicated by alcohol was the cheap stuff, blood intoxicated by lust was the crème de la crème of her unnatural cuisine. And it was certainly worth the effort it took to control her impulses. “I’m serious,” she added, bending to remove her high heels and place them by the door. She moved into the living room and took a seat on the dark leather sofa. “This place is even closer to where I work than my old apartment.” Mila watched as the girl began clearing a few dishes from the table, admiring her petite frame, through lazy, half-lidded eyes. “If you’re really looking for a roommate, I’d love to take you up on your offer. I’m sure it’s within my price range.” She laughed pleasantly and added, “I mean, you don’t have to decide just now, I’m sure you’ll want to get to know me a little first.” Mila gave Charlie an appreciative look as she offered to let her use her shower things and even her PJ’s, all to make her feel at home. “You’re so sweet,” she said. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. I guess I’d have been forced to check into some seedy hotel around here.” Mila gave her a wink and an enchanting smile. “You’ve really come to my rescue. I’ll have to do something to make it up to you.” [i]“Oh, and if you want to eat I can make us something.”[/i] A sudden flicker of amusement played across her features at Charlie’s offer. [i]‘I would love to eat,’[/i] she thought silently to herself, her eyes becoming just a touch darker. “That’s alright, I’ve already had dinner.” [i]‘I’m famished.’[/i] “I had a quick meal right after work.” [i]‘I haven’t eaten in two days.’[/i] Two days was doable, but any longer than that and Mila had trouble keeping herself in check. She got lazy when she let herself get too hungry. She became too impulsive, too dangerous. She much preferred to have a snack every night, than to go on a binge after several days of fasting. As long as she played out this situation with Charlie just right, she’d be able to eat regularly for a good long while. “But please, go ahead and make yourself something if you haven’t eaten dinner yet,’ she said politely. “And then maybe you can show me where I can find those PJs? I’d love to get out of these clothes.” She ran her fingers over the opening of her blouse and undid one more button. “There’s no such thing as casual Friday over at Avon,” she added with a grin. “That’s where I work, by the way. I’m a secretary over at that design firm a few blocks over. What do you do?”