[quote=@souleaterfan320] That depends. I dotn really intend for either of out characters to die here, but the flow of the rp has it to where anyone is up for grabs. Tbh we rarely use plot armor here, hence why Shinji was uttterly outclassed and is on death's door rn. I say we let things play out naturally and see what happens. Have Lucy act in a way you'd feel fitting for the scene and Ill have Lucian do the same. (Alsp jsyk Lucian's name is pronounced loo-shen, just so you have the cannon pronunciation) [/quote] >Hmm. Alright. Though it's less plot armor and just planning out the story beforehand, but I digress. I am a Planner by nature when it comes to writing, so it's a habit of mine to have the majority of things worked out, if they aren't worked out along the way of course.