Dammit, they’d seen them. Aroxy cursed as he watched their turrets begin to rotate. Just a few more seconds and they would have hit them while they were still blind. Oh well. That made the rules of the engagement much easier. Aroxy grinned as he heard the sound of Takka’s voice shouting exuberantly in the comms. “ On the way!” Underneath him, he felt the internal cracking of steel as the autoloader fished a shell into the main firing chamber. The turret beneath Aroxy bucked like a wild horse as the barrel erupted in a flash of bright fire and smoke. Aroxy watched through the telescope as the round sailed in a hypersonic arc towards their target. The column barely had a second to react as the Merry Go Round sank its fangs into its first kill of the day. The first round sliced the main turret of the Scorpion, sending it tumbling off the hatch in a fiery blaze. The round then slammed into the hull of the other Scorpion beside it. A sonorous shriek of plasteel echoed throughout the clearing. The painful pitch made Aroxy’s back shiver as he held up his telescope to survey the situation. Shit. He was hoping for a vehicle kill at least. The Scorpion was moving slower than before but its turret was still operational. The first Scorpion had deviated the round enough that it only caused damage to the fuselage. The Strikers remained untouched. The shock would only buy them five seconds before their mental discipline would set in. “ This is Steel Rain reporting. The first Scorpion is down. Second one got tagged but the Strikers are still mission capable.” Aroxy turned off his radio for a moment and switched to crew comms. “ Takka, how’s it looking?” “ I can’t get a clear line on the Scorpion but I can just manage to get a hit on one of those Strikers.” “ Alright, they’re still trying to wiggle around the wreck. Plant a round in his engine and smoke out those son of bitches.” “ Roger that,” Aroxy heard the clunking of a shell as one of their last remaining HV rounds entered the chamber again to wreak havoc. “ This is Steel Rain. We are engaging the pair of Strikers now. Repeat. We are engaging.” “ Fire!,” Aroxy shouted into the comm radio. “ On the way!,” Takka replied back, throat hoarse. The cannon erupted again and Aroxy swore as the shell missed by seemingly just a inch, bouncing off the LRM rack. The round smashed through the thick ferrocrete wall, a small section caved in from the force of the impact. “ Fucking A, Takka. I thought you said you had it!” “ The wind threw me off!” Aroxy heard the frustrated slamming of a fist against a console. “ If only they turned the ECM on just a little later - “ “ Don’t give me excuses, give me results!”