[center][h3] --- FOREWORD --- [/h3][/center] [center] Hey there gentle reader, if anything below catches your eye, inspires your vision, or perhaps something amidst this sea of text makes you believe you'd be interested in this kind of forum game, then great! Feel free to comment on this post with any such thoughts. . . Especially if you've more ideas for content, I certainly won't steal it. . . Nope. 'Throne Saga' The working title of this forum game is mainly inspired through the SRPGs and TRPGs of my youth. Fire Emblem, Dragon Force, Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea, Romance of the Three Kingdoms etc. As well as some modern schmootz with Paradox's games as well as a big heaping of inspiration from Dominions 5.[/center] [center][h3] --- TO DO --- [/h3][/center] [center] -- Conceptualize and balance point costs for everything. -- Add more diverse variety of traits -- Conceive proper battle formulae -- Expound upon rules for every stage of the game -- Create technology/research content -- Create building/structures/Provincial development content -- Create continental world map (probably based on number of players) -- Create Terrain list and effects -- Create example sheet from all this [/center] [hr][center][h3] --- BASIC PREMISE ---[/h3][/center] [center][indent][indent]The Throne Saga is a continent spanning player-driven roleplay with a competitive PvP lean. Players do not take control of a single character, but rather a host of officers, nobles, or other cadres of characters at the top of their nation. In effect, you, the player, are seeing to the control of your nation albeit with most affairs beyond militarily being obfuscated for the sake of gameplay. Each player begins by creating their nation, the process of which is detailed below. For now, consider the ideas of what your nation may look like -- thematically we are creating the setting through this, and thus there is a great deal of leeway as to how one wishes to shape the look and feel of their nation. Whether that be a band of warmongering tribal orks, a collection of robed daemon worshipping men, an old kingdom of stalwart soldiers, or anything in between so long as the feel of everything in totality is not too in-congruent with one another. The game will consist of two separate 'phases', the first being the 'Organization' phase, in which the players will control the details of their nation such as technological research and advancement, constructing buildings or other works, recruiting units, securing new territory or preparing to attack another nation. While the second is the 'Battle' phase, in which players of two or more nations scale down to a 'tactical map' and do battle with the characters and units they've created for the control of territory. These phases will alternate in turns until at last an undisputed ruler of the land is decided or until one nation controls the central throne for X AMOUNT OF TURNS.[/indent][/indent][/center][hr] [center][h3]--- NATION CREATION ---[/h3][/center] [center][indent][indent]In Throne Saga, nations are created by the choice of their player through the spending of DESIGN POINTS. All players begin with X DESIGN POINTS in order to create their nation and leaders within it.[/indent][/indent][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] [i]All nations need a name! Ex. -- The Republic of Kal'Shtaa, Gronk's Kingdom, Men of the West.[/i] [b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] [i]You may be as terse or as in-depth as you please. At the very least, describe the type of people/creature that rule or inhabit your nation as well as they ruling structure/government.[/i] [b]NATIONAL ORIGIN:[/b] [i]You may choose between TINY, SMALL, MIDDLING, LARGE, or HUGE. This statistic controls the STARTING amount of territory under control of your nation.[/i] [indent][indent] REBEL UPRISING: DISPARATE TRIBE: AWAKENED ONES: [/indent][/indent] [b]LEADERS:[/b] [i]Leaders are characters designed by the player of a nation and are required in order to control armies. Leaders must be individually designed and the process for this is described in the section below. All nations begin with five leaders, not including their ruler. Spending design points on this statistic will increase the starting number of leaders a nation may have, and thus, the amount of armies they may control and territory they may easily defend.[/i] Every additional leader costs 2 Design Points. [b]TECHNOLOGY:[/b] [i]All nations begin with limited technology, thematically, consider them beginning between the bronze and iron ages. A player may spend design points to purchase a limited amount of starting technologies to put them ahead of their peers. They are listed below[/i] [hider=STARTING TECH] STARTING TECH LIST HERE [/hider] [b]UNIT-TYPES:[/b] [i]Units are the main vehicle for the 'Battle Phase'. These are the components that your leaders will control in battle against other nations on the tactical map. All nations begin with three distinct unit-types, more starting unit-types can be purchased with 2 Design points per type. The creation of Unit-types will be detailed in another section.[/i] [b]OTHER TRAITS:[/b] [i]Perhaps there are qualities to your nation that don't quite fit into any mold previously described. Here you may purchase traits that further define your nation.[/i] [hider=NATIONAL TRAITS] AGRARIAN: [/hider] [hr] [center][h3]--- LEADER CREATION ---[/h3][/center] [center][indent][indent]Leaders are the driving force behind your nation's expansion and control. They are individual characters with as little or as much thought put into them as you'd like. They are required in order to lead armies into battle or defend territory. [b]All leaders are created with the ability to spend up to 10 free points specific to them.[/b] However, you may also spend from your general pool of 'design points' in order to better define your leaders.[/indent][/indent][/center] [b]NAME[/b]: [i]Everyone needs a name![/i] [b]APPEARANCE[/b]: [i]A short description or image will suffice.[/i] [b]PERSONALITY/HISTORY:[/b] [i]Feel free to get as in-depth with your leaders as you'd like, it'll be all the better for your investment when they perish in a pitched battle.[/i] Points may be spent in order to increase any of the following stats; Vitality, Might, Skill, Toughness, Resistance, Movement, and Command. One point linearly increases a statistic by one. [b]MIGHT:[/b] [i]Determines how powerful a leader's direct actions in combat are.[/i] [b]SKILL:[/b] [i]Determines how precise a leader's actions are in combat, as well as their chance for critical successes[/i] [b]RESISTANCE:[/b] [i]Reduces chance of negative effects during combat.[/i] [b]COMMAND:[/b] [i]How well the leader can control armies. Directly influences how many units can be placed under their direct control as well as their morale-boosting command radius in battle.[/i] [b]RETINUE:[/b] [i]Which of your unit-types do they personally lead?[/i] [b]TRAITS & ABILITIES:[/b] [i]Further define your leaders with purchasable traits.[/i] [hider=LIST OF LEADER TRAITS & ABILITIES] INSPIRATIONAL: Units within this leader's 'command radius' will regain additional morale per combat round. This leader also has an increased troop cap. ORGANIZED: This leader gains an additional two unit slots and has an increased troop cap. COMPELLED DUELS: It is much more difficult to refuse this leader's bids for dueling. Should an opposing leader refuse a duel attempt from this one, their army will receive a much larger morale penalty than usual. ELITES: This leader's retinue is much stronger than the average version of that unit-type, gaining an additional 50% in all stats. TACTICIAN: This leader has a much larger command radius, units under their control also have +1 Movement. IMMORTAL: By some contrivance whether it be luck, technology, or perhaps magick, this leader never permanently dies. Should they be defeated on the battlefield, they will always return to the nation's capital during the next month. DAUNTING: This leader bears an intimidating presence, opposing units adjacent to this leader will have their morale decrease overtime. GIFTED MEDIC: After battle, 5% of this leader's units defeated will be saved from death. TAX COLLECTOR: Income in the province this leader is stationed within is increased by 10% this effect does not stack. SCIENTIST: This leader passively generates one research point per month. TASKMASTER: Units with the 'slave' trait under this leader's command received reduced morale penalties. LOCAL HERO: While defending one of your provinces, this leader's army will be joined by two of your cheapest basic 'chaff' type units. These units disband after the battle. FLEET: Even when surrounded, this leader and their army are able to flee as normal. RESURRECTING RALLY: This leader's rally command is so potent that it can muster even the defeated to return to battle. Once per battle, when using the rally command, 10% of affected unit's causalities return to fight. ASSASSIN: This leader's retinue are especially adept at picking out and defeating other leaders. However they sacrifice some of their ability to command for this precision. This leader's Unit Slots and Command Radius are reduced by two, and their Troop Limit is reduced by 2000. But their movement is increased by two and all damage dealt to an opposing leader's retinue is increased by 50% SPECIAL ACTION -- LINE ATTACK: This leader is able to muster an special attack in a line out from them. Whether it's a powerful cannon they carry, or rays of searing magic, this attack damages all units in front of them. This attack's range starts at 2, but can be increased by one for each point spent on it. This attack may also be made to ignore allied units by spending 3 additional points on it. The leader's might and skill are used to determine the damage of this attack. SPECIAL ACTION -- AOE ATTACK: This leader is able to use a special attack in all hexes adjacent to them. This might take the form of a nova of ice, or perhaps smashing the earth below them, etc. The radius begins at 1, but may be increased by an additional one for each 2 points spent. This attack may also be made to ignore allied units by spending 3 additional points on it. The leader's might and skill are used to determine the damage of this attack. SPECIAL ACTION -- RANGED ATTACK: This leader is able to use a special attack in one distant hex from them. This might take the form of lobbing a great stone, or perhaps a bolt of lightning from the stormy sky. The range begins at 3 but may be increased by an additional one for each 1 point spent. The radius begins at 0 (single hex) but may be increased by 1 for each additional 3 points spent on it. The leader's might and skill are used to determine the damage of this attack. FLYING -- Whether by spell or mount, this leader and their retinue ignores all terrain affects and may move past enemy units. PLACATION -- Units under this leader's command have their upkeep cost reduced by 25%. VIGILANT -- This leader is able to more easily detect hidden armies in the province they are stationed in. This leader will almost always weed out a hidden opposing force passing through." STEALTH -- This leader and all units under them are hidden from the direct view of your opponents so long as you choose. They may pass through enemy lands without causing battle, although if there are leaders in those territories, there is a chance they will be spotted and forced into battle. This trait can be useful for surprise attacks behind enemy lines or even flanking from behind. HATRED -- This leader bears a burning ire against another nation due to their past. All units under their command deal an additional 10% damage to units of that nation. When this trait is selected, you must choose another nation as its target. GRUDGE -- This leader bears a burning ire against another leader due to their past. All units under their command deal an additional 25% damage to units under the command of that leader. When this trait is selected, you must choose another opposing leader as its target. If that leader perishes, the point cost of this trait is refunded for your leader. WELL EQUIPPED -- This leader's army's gear is always kept in top condition. Units under this leader's command have their upkeep cost increased by 25%, however their Might and Toughness are increased by one. HORDE TACTICS -- This leader's troop limit increases by 10,000 and their Unit Slot count increases by five. However, they may only command 'Chaff', 'Infantry', or 'Skirmisher' Unit types. DECOYS -- During battle, this leader may set-up two 'decoy' groups that resemble their own Unit flawlessly. Whether through trickery or skilled magick. These decoys cannot deal damage, nor have any other associated effects other than visually. If the decoys receive damage, they vanish. MOBILE FORTRESS -- Units under this leader's command each carry some form of mobile shield, sandbag, or lightweight fortifications that can be placed on an adjacent hex to them as an action. Each Unit may do this only once per battle. The terrain type of the selected hex becomes an impassible fortification that can be destroyed by the opposing force should they attack with a leader, siege, or melee unit. SHIELD WALL -- As an action, once per battle this leader may erect a 'shield wall' for three turns. The 'shield wall' encompasses their command radius and does not allow ranged attacks, such as those from skirmishers or archers from damaging troops from the outside in, but not leader's 'line attack or AOE attack'. If an opposing ranged attack originates from within the 'Shield Wall' it is able to function as normal. TESTUDO -- For each unit under this leader's command adjacent to their hex, increase the leader's retinue toughness by +1 PART THE SEA -- Once per battle this leader is able to make a special line attack with a range of three originating from their hex that pushes aside all units in its effect, displacing them to the nearest available adjacent hex. EMERGENCY SUMMONS -- Once per battle this leader is able to recall up to three units under their command into free adjacent hexes. Those units are able to act as normal provided they had not already taken an action this turn. ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE FRONT -- This leader and their army may move across an additional province per month. UNCONTESTED ENGAGEMENT -- Skirmisher type units under this leader's command are able to make a ranged attack twice as many times per battle. They may also move half of their movement score after making an attack. SIEGEMASTER -- All units in this leader's army deal an additional 25% damage to fortifications. FORTUNE TELLER -- 'Good' random events are slightly more likely to occur each month for each leader with this trait in your nation ILL OMEN -- 'Bad' random events are slightly more likely to occur each month for each leader with this trait in your nation. [/hider] [hr] [center][h3]--- UNIT CREATION ---[/h3][/center] [b]NAME:[/b] [i]Every gang of gribbly goblins needs a title![/i] [b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] [i]Short (or long) description of what the unit is like/what it's composed of. This doesn't necessarily have to be the same as your nations main polity. Even if you're a kingdom of humans, perhaps your 'skirmisher' units are small drakes.[/i] [b]UNIT-ARCHETYPE:[/b] [i]What type of unit this is.[/i] [hider=UNIT ARCHETYPES] [b]CHAFF:[/b] Chaff are the weakest and cheapest possible unit-types. They excel at nothing other than being easily massable. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Siege [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] All but CHAFF and SIEGE. [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -2 Might, Skill, Toughness, Resistance, and Discipline. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 100 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 10 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 10[/indent][/indent] [b]INFANTRY:[/b] Infantry are basic foot-troops that are reasonably cost-effective to mass. They are unremarkable, with few advantages and disadvantages. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Archers (in melee), Skirmishers, Chaff, Siege (Structural) [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Archers (from range), Heavy Cavalry, Siege (Battlefield), Aerial, Infantry [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] Nothing. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 150 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 15 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 50[/indent][/indent] [b]SKIRMISHERS:[/b] Skirmishers are quick moving raiding type units that can attack from two hexes away twice per battle. They are generally flimsier than infantry and crumble in most cases of melee. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Archers, Chaff [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Infantry (in melee), Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Siege, Armored, Aerial, Heralds [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -2 Might, -2 Toughness, -1 Discipline. +1 Movement and Twice Per battle 1-2 Hex ranged attack. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 150 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 15 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 30[/indent][/indent] [b]ARCHERS:[/b] Archers are the simplest form of exclusive ranged unit. While they don't necessarily have advantage against any particular unit-types, they make up for it when positioned intelligently, able to attack up to three hexes away. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Chaff, Aerial, Archers [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Infantry (in melee), Skirmishers, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Armored, Archers [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -1 Might, -3 Toughness. 1-3 Hex ranged attacks, cannot move and make a ranged attack. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 200 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 20 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 75[/indent][/indent] [b]LIGHT CAVALRY:[/b] Light Cavalry quickly race around the battlefield picking off units that are out of position. While they are the fastest unit on most battlefields, they are lightly armored, and they tend to break easily. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Skirmishers, Archers, Siege, Chaff [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Infantry, Armored, Heavy Cavalry, Vehicle [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -1 Might, -2 Toughness, -2 Discipline. +4 Movement. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 300 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 30 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 100[/indent][/indent] --- THE BELOW UNIT-ARCHETYPES MUST FIRST BE UNLOCKED THROUGH TECHNOLOGY OR OTHER MEANS --- [b]HERALDS:[/b] Heralds are braves even among their most veteran peers. They traipse abound the fields of battle bearing great banners or bellowing horns. Their mere presence is enough to bolster their allies into greater action. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Chaff, Behemoth, Skirmishers, Siege (Structural) [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Aerial, Heavy Cavalry, Vehicle, Siege (Battlefield) [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] +3 Discipline +1 Movement. Adjacent Allies Discipline is increased by +1. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 200 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 20 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 50[/indent][/indent] [b]ARMORED:[/b] The heaviest among any armies units. Generally these are the best equipped soldiers alongside heavy cavalry, built to withstand any onslaught and protect any choke. These are the truest anvils amongst one's army. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Light Cavalry, Archers, Chaff, Skirmishers [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Heavy Cavalry, Aerial [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] +2 Might, +3 Toughness, +2 Discipline. -2 Movement -1 Skill [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 200 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 20 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 200[/indent][/indent] [b]HEAVY CAVALRY:[/b] Armored men upon armored steeds, the mightiest shock force of any army. Heavy Cavalry are easily able to batter the lines of most any opposing unit-types, justifying their high cost. These are the truest hammer amongst one's army. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Armored, Light Cavalry, Skirmishers, Infantry, Chaff, Siege [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Aerial, Vehicle [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] +3 Might, +1 Toughness, +3 Discipline, +2 Movement, +1 Skill. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 350 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 35 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 200[/indent][/indent] [b]SIEGE (STRUCTURAL):[/b] Battering Rams, Ladders, Cannons, any machine or beast of war meant to tear down great walls and fortifications. A Siege (Structural) unit may be selected as either a melee or ranged variant. A ranged variant may attack from up to 6 Hexes away, but cannot move and shoot. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Fortifications, Behemoths [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Aerial, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Archers [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] +2 Might (If Melee), +2 Toughness (If Melee), -2 Skill, -2 Movement, -2 Discipline. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 150 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 150 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 300[/indent][/indent] [b]SIEGE (BATTLEFIELD):[/b] Onagers, great vats of oil, any and all artillery pieces that fire away into ranks of soldiers to clear the rabble are counted among these unit types. In order to support your front line, they may attack from up to 6 Hexes away but cannot both move and shoot. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Infantry, Armored, Heavy Cavalry [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Aerial, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Archers [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -2 Skill, -2 Movement, -2 Discipline. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 150 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 150 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 300[/indent][/indent] [b]AERIAL:[/b] Soldiers on winged-steeds, gryphons or harpies, raiders of the sky. Any flying unit might be considered an Aerial. These unit types are generally quite costly and somewhat middling of training, however they are effective against nearly all types of ground units and can ignore the effects of terrain. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Chaff, Infantry, Skirmishers, Armored, Heralds, Heavy Cavalry, Siege [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Archers [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -1 Might, -1 Toughness, -1 Discipline. +4 Movement, +1 Skill, Ignores all terrain effects. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 250 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 25 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 125[/indent][/indent] [b]VEHICLE:[/b] Transport wagons, mighty airships, or perhaps a living fortress, Vehicle unit-types may carry other units, protecting them while allowing them to attack from the safety of their holds or backs. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Chaff, Infantry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Heralds [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Siege, Behemoth [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -4 Skill, +2 Toughness, +2 Movement, May 'Carry' other units of equal or less count, allowing them to attack freely but be protected by the Vehicle unit. [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 100 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 10 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 200[/indent][/indent] [b]BEHEMOTH:[/b] Massive beasts or machines that can single-handedly cut similarly massive swaths through enemy formations, these are among the most costly units to field but should one amass them in quantity, the throne shall surely be theirs. [indent][indent][b]ADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Chaff, Infantry, Heavy Cavalry, Armored, Vehicle, [b]DISADVANTAGE AGAINST:[/b] Siege, Aerial, Heralds [b]STATISTIC MODS:[/b] -2 Skill, +5 Might, +4 Toughness, +3 Discipline, +2 Movement, [b]BASE FOOD COST PER 100:[/b] 400 [b]BASE UPKEEP COST PER 100:[/b] 40 [b]BASE RESOURCE COST PER 100:[/b] 200[/indent][/indent] OTHER WEIRDER SHIT [/hider] [b]PREFERRED TERRAIN:[/b] [i]What terrain your unit is more powerful on.[/i] [hider=TERRAIN LIST] FIELD: No effect ROAD: +2 Movement if fully on road. LIGHT FOREST: +1 Toughness, 1-Hex to move through HEAVY FOREST: +1 Toughness, +1 Skill, 2-Hexes to move through HILL: +2 Toughness, +1 Skill, 2-Hexes to move through MOUNTAIN: +3 Toughness, +2 Skill, 3-Hexes to move through SHALLOW WATER: -1 Might, -1 Skill, 2-Hexes to move through. (Amphibious Units: +1 Might, +1 Skill) (Aquatic Units: +1 Might, +2 Skill) RIVER: -2 Might, -2 Skill, 3-Hexes to move through. (Amphibious Units: +1 Might, +2 Skill) (Aquatic Units: +2 Might, +3 Skill) SEA: Land Units can never enter sea, should they, they will receive half total troop casualties and 50 morale damage, the remaining troops will be placed on the nearest land tile. (Amphibious Units: +2 Might, +2 Skill) (Aquatic Units: +3 Might, +3 Skill) [/hider] [b]MIGHT:[/b] [i]Determines how powerful the unit is in direct combat[/i] [b]SKILL:[/b] [i]Determines how precise the unit's attacks are as well as chances of critical successes[/i] [b]TOUGHNESS:[/b] [i]Reduces physical damage the unit receives in combat.[/i] [b]RESISTANCE:[/b] [i]Reduces chance of negative effects during combat.[/i] [b]MOVEMENT:[/b] [i]How many map tiles one can move in a turn. Base is 4[/i] [b]MORALE:[/b] [i]Affects many calculations in combat, this changes frequently during battle depending on the circumstance. If it reaches 0, the unit will attempt to flee.[/i] [b]DISCIPLINE:[/b] [i]Acts as toughness for your morale, determines how well trained and unlikely to flee a unit is.[/i] [b]COST PER 100:[/b] [i]How much food is required to raise one-hundred of this unit-type[/i] [b]UPKEEP PER 100:[/b] [i]How much food is deducted per month for each hundred of this unit-type in your armies[/i] [b]RESOURCES PER 100:[/b] [i]How many resources are required to raise one-hundred of this unit-type[/i] [b]TRAITS & ABILITIES:[/b] [i]Further develop your units by purchasing traits to define them and their abilities, many traits on units will increase or decrease their cost, upkeep, or resources.[/i] [hider=LIST OF UNIT TRAITS & ABILITIES] [center][h3]COST 0[/h3][/center] AQUATIC: This unit gains double preferred terrain 'water'. They are unable to leave water tiles or provinces but they are significantly more powerful than others within water. LUMBERING: This unit is much slower to traverse the battlefield, whether by heavy equipment or slow gait. -3 Movement in battle, Requires an additional turn to traverse provinces. Refunds +5 Points to spend further defining it. DISORDERLY: If this unit is outside of their leader's command range, they cannot act as they are either too mal-disciplined to be useful, or simply require commands to function. This trait refunds +2 points to further develop the unit. POORLY EQUIPPED: Units with this trait are giving barebones kit, their resource cost is reduced by 50%, however they suffer -2 Might and Toughness as a result. This trait also refunds one point to further define this unit. SLOW TO RECRUIT: An additional month is required to be spent creating this unit. This refunds you +2 points to spend on further defining it. [center][h3]COST 1[/h3][/center] STEALTHY: This unit is able to hide themselves quickly from the opposing force. Once per battle, this unit may vanish from sight for as long as their leader decides. Should they receive damage or make an attack action while invisible, they will be revealed. RAIDERS: This unit loots their foes in the midst of battle. For every hundred casualties they cause, they return 5 Food and 1 Resource to their nation. BACKUP RANGED ATTACK: Once per battle, this unit may make a ranged attack with a range of 2. This attack deals only 50% of normal damage. More uses of this trait may be purchased with an additional 1 point per use. TUNNELING: Once per battle, this unit may make a free 'tunneling' action, moving up to half their movement, ignoring all terrain and opposing units. They may still make an action or movement after this. ANIMAL: This unit is composed of beasts rather than your polity. Due to this, resource cost of this unit is set to 0. However food cost and upkeep are increased by 50%. This unit also receives -2 reduced Discipline. ALACRITY: This unit is able to move their remaining movement after making an action. Movement is also increased by +1. UNSURROUNDABLE: This unit does not afford any bonuses to opposing units flanking them. AMPHIBIOUS: This unit gains preferred terrain 'water'. They are able to fight from and move into water hexes without penalty. They may also cross water provinces so long as their leader is also able to do so. RETALIATORY: This unit's direct attack actions deal 50% reduced damage. However their counterattacks deal 75% increased damage. They also receive a reduced -2 movement. SPECIAL TRAINING: This unit has received some form of advanced regimen to cover its obvious counters. Choose one other unit-archetype such as 'Skirmishers' or 'Heavy'. If this unit previously had disadvantage against that archetype, it becomes a neutral match-up. If it was neutral it becomes an advantageous match-up. MERCENARIES: Units with this trait provide their own equipment, sets their base Resource cost to 0. However they're much less likely to desire dying for the nation, having a reduced -3 Discipline. SMITE: With their strength, tactics, or magery, this unit is able to push back foes from their lines. This unit gains a special attack using Might tested against another unit's Resistance. This attack will push opposing units hexes away based on the difference of these scores. SELFLESS SHIELD: This unit is aspected to care more about their comrades than themselves. With a Skill test, they are able to take an attack meant for another adjacent unit. That unit is able to counterattack as normal. CHIVALRY: This unit excels at battling with fresh-faced foes. Their might is increased by +5 for attacks made against opposing units that have 0 casualties. REPOSITION: Once during a movement, this unit may either swap places with an allied unit, or place that allied unit on the opposite side of this one. MERGE & SPLIT: This unit is able to change their formation on the fly. As a special action, this unit can split up their troop count to create two separate units. For instance, 1000 troop count of this unit could split from 5000 leaving two units, one with 1000 troops and the other with 4000 and any other permutation thereof. In turn, the unit can also merge back into one as a special action. Merged units cannot increase their troop limit beyond the normal maximum, and are also remerged into their original formation after the end of battle. [center][h3]COST 2[/h3][/center] LONG REACH: This unit is equipped with exceptionally long weaponry, opposing units that enter an adjacent hex receive an uncounterable attack dealing 25% normal damage. This can only occur once per turn. JUGGERNAUTS: This unit charges forth without care, when entering a hex adjacent to an opposing unit, they may make an uncounterable attack dealing 25% normal damage. This can only occur once per turn. BERSERK: This unit is practically uncontrollable by their leader. They gain no benefit from being within their leader's command radius and have -1 reduced toughness and discipline. However they may make two attacks and movements per turn. BLOODTHIRSTY: This unit lives for battle. When this unit completely defeats an opposing unit, their morale increases to max. But they also suffer a reduced -1 Discipline. FLYING: Even if this is not an aerial unit, a unit with this trait ignores all terrain penalties and benefits and may pass through opposing units, other than aerial units and others with the FLYING trait. DEATH CURSE: Whether through some malediction or thrashing in the throes of death, when this unit is completely destroyed, a free attack is made on the opposing force based on half this unit's casualties INFERNO TACTICS: This unit gains the ability to set ablaze a hex within their attack range once per battle. If successful, fire springs unto the battlefield, causing 20% casualties to any ground unit beginning their turn within it. The fire lasts for three turns before burning out. Any unit may also spend it's action to attempt to put the blaze out using their resistance stat. You may purchase additional uses of this trait for 2 points per use. PYGMISIM: This unit is significantly smaller than the average polity of the nation. Their maximum troop size is increased by 50%, but they are much less powerful. They receive -3 reduced Might and Toughness. But do to their slight builds and quick feet, they are a bit more precise and difficult to pin down. Receiving an additional +3 Skill. FEARSOME: This unit strikes mortal terror into the hearts of those who face it, damage to morale by any of this unit's actions is increased by 50%. GLUTTONOUS: This unit must consume much more food than others. It's food cost is increased by 100, and Upkeep Cost is increased by 50% by in turn the extra feed bolsters them. Their Might and Toughness increase by +2 BATTLE FURY: When this unit is below 25% of its original troop count, their true potential shines. Their might is increased by +3 and toughness by +1. Skill is reduced by -1 during this effect as well. PREEMPTIVE STRIKE: This unit is unusually good at predicting the moves of opposing forces. When defending in battle they have a chance based on their Skill to counterattack first before their foe strikes. FEINT: This unit is exceptional at the finer details of combat. They are able to completely negate a foe's counterattack against them during combat with a Skill test. INDOCTRINATED: Units with this trait are either brainwashed, mindless, or zealous enough to follow your lead to the ends of the world. Their morale can never decrease below 50% and thus they cannot break or suffer casualties due to desertion. Their upfront food cost is increased by 25%, however their Upkeep Cost is also reduced by 25%. They also lack the independence to make more strategic decisions. They cannot make use of any traits that confer special actions such as IMMOLATION TACTICS or TUNNELING. INCREASED RANGE: Every purchase of this trait will increase a Unit's ranged attack by +1 Hex. [center][h3]COST 3[/h3][/center] REGENERATORS: While within their leader's command radius, this unit restores 5% of their casualties per turn. SLAVES: This unit is comprised of slave soldiers, their cost and upkeep are reduced by 75%, however, their morale is capped at half its otherwise original value. Their Discipline is also reduced by -2. FORMATION FIGHTERS: For each unit with this trait in an adjacent hex, this unit gains +1 Discipline and +0.5 Toughness. VERSATILE COMBATANTS: This unit is able to change their kit and tactics on the fly. Select one other unit archetype you have access to. As an action this unit may swap their type to that one and back as often as they like. VENOMOUS BLADES: This units method of attack is coated in deadly venoms. After a successful attack, the opposing unit must test their Resistance or be inflicted with a poison that causes additional casualties equal to 10% of this unit's current troop size. GIGANTISM: This unit is significantly larger than the average polity of the nation. Their maximum troop size is reduced by 75%, but are significantly more powerful. They gain an increased +3 Might and Toughness, as well as +2 Increased Movement. However their great size reduces their accuracy in combat when dealing with smaller opposition. -3 Skill. CHIMERA: When selected, choose another unit-type, this unit becomes a powerful hybrid between the two units, combine both statistical increases as well as costs and advantage/disadvantages. [/hider] [hr] [center][h3]--- EXAMPLE NATION SHEET ---[/h3][/center] [hr]