I took the liberty of going through all five of the characters in question and figuring out which ones have been filled in and which ones are still blank, so that I could post them all in one place for convenience! As it turns out, BlueJay's Sylph is the only one that currently has all three ready. For reference, those are: [quote=Sylph]Skobeloff convinced the clutch to take you in after you left your House. Explain how they exemplified your virtue, and give them a Friendship Gem. Stargaze worked with you to expose the treachery of an Elder dragon who had fallen to the Darkness. Give them a Friendship Gem. You have helped Shieldwing to question one flawed tradition of their House. Tell them what it was, and take a Friendship Gem from them.[/quote] Worth noting that the second one in that list is not necessarily confirmed yet, but if BlueJay is good with that, then Sylph would be finished. Apart from that, these are what the other characters are still missing: [quote=Shieldwing (Stargaze, Sylph accounted for)](Only one of the following) ___ has stood by your side in a fight against a monster of the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem. ___ was there when you were most vulnerable. Give them a Gem.[/quote] [quote=Stargaze (Shieldwing, Skobeloff accounted for)]___ is consumed by the Isle’s immediate problems; you will show them why they must focus on the future. Take a Friendship Gem from them.[/quote] [quote=Skobeloff (Stargaze, Sylph accounted for)]___ is a fellow prankster, a lover of tricks and jokes just like you. Explain how they once got one over on you, and give them a Friendship Gem.[/quote] [quote=Fellwing]___ ’s knowledge is unparalleled within the Clutch, but they do not see the danger ahead. Take a Gem from them. ___ helped save you from the Darkness. Explain how they exemplified your virtue. Give them a Gem. You dreamed of ___ long before you two met. Tell them what the dream was about and take a Gem from them..[/quote]