[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aUgvyiS.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7lhjQiO.png?1[/img][/center] [hr][color=gold]Location:[/color] Disskas' Underground Base -> San Agustin, Torragonese High Desert [hr][color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Trypano [@A Lowly Wretch], Ingrid [@dragonpiece], Benny, Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora, and the Disskas [@Force and Fury] [hr] Desmond understood the consequences would be immense because of choosing to instead of turning back the hands of time they decided to move forward. It seemed the Disskas knew the many things that could happen, and it seemed they could make use of the variables. As it seemed that choosing to move forward might give a better chance, to what though? Desmond didn't know why he cared about the idea, he just wanted his memories, right? As the Disskas talked they spoke they needed to move quickly, as it pulled Desmond out of his thoughts and back into action. The tunnels were like a tight labyrinth that constantly seemed to grow as they went, and even when they met the Sirrahi 'staircases', Desmond launched himself up them using kinetic energy to throw him up in a small heroic leap. While when they met 'staircases' going downwards, Desmond jumped down as he used magnetic energy and charged the bottom of his shoes to be repel the ground by using the same charge on both his shoes and the floor underneath him. As he began to use his kinetic energy to force him forward and began to slide down the 'staircase'. As Once he was to meet the floor, Desmond took back his charge as he continued to use the Gift to assist him forward. As they moved, Nine seemed to started to move as Nine said they were supposed to 'fail', Desmond wasn't out of breath even after all this running, yet he understood why she was nearly breathless as control of breath while talking is quite hard. Desmond took a breath as he said, [color=gold]"What do you mean by fail or succeed?"[/color] As Nine continued, they began talking about lying and Desmond said in a quick lash, [color=gold]"Yeah we can see that"[/color]. As Nine most likely looked towards him he stuck his tounge out and smiled with a laugh. Yet as they continued to speak it was something much more intense than what he was joking with. They were doing a report for some university they were a part of as they were trying to prove that Humans and Yasoi were unable to have emotions for beings who were not closely related with them in the Animal Kingdom. Desmond scoffed at the idea, he would have said in such a situations, [color=gold][i]'Yeah we can humans love many things. We can feel empathy, sympathy, love for, and so much more feelings for creatures they can even find out in the forest. The creature needs to be friendly on first contact…or dead'[/i][/color]. Yet before he could say this it seemed Seven had hushed them to set for her to open up a room that filled his mind with a buffet of energies. Magnetic energy akin to lightning, yet more…weakened and tamed. It felt strange as he felt it them becoming Chemical then Arcane, as Desmond felt the energies within the room his face bore a smile, he was confused as it did not make sense, but he knew one thing: [color=gold][i]'This isn't magic itself. This has to be their Tech'[/i][/color]. As when they entered it seemed they had 4 minutes to choose a reward for themselves, yet it seemed they were unable to take Technology of a certain level. Desmond clicked his tongue until he heard Ismette ask something and get accepted: [color=gold][i]'Their books on Temporal Magic?'[/i][/color] As that was when Desmond smiled, he knew what he needed to ask, what he needed to look for. Books were going to be his best friend here, he can find much more of what he needs if he aimed for books rather than pieces of tech and equipment. Desmond was there with Nine as she seemed to assist him slightly but he said as he was looking, [color=gold]"I promise I won't take any tech, you should spend the little time you have left with your Girlfriend"[/color]. Desmond spoke mostly in a joking manner as he whistled away as he searched. He was looking through some books, looking at their titles, flicking through them, he wondered what even he was looking for. Was he hoping to find some great book filled with inventions to make him some great inventor? Was he here to find some great book on weapons to make him the ultimate killer? Or was he here to find some book to lead his life? He had no clue anymore, yet when he hear the ticking occur, Desmond snatched up the nearest hefty book he could find and prepared to leave. Yet Nine seemed to wish to give him and Ingrid one last goodbye, she went to him and took him into her embrace. She began to coil around him as a Desmond could do was stand there and allow her to do as she pleases. As she hugged him, she apologized for her deceit and said something about liking him. Desmond never thought his Avincian was bad, yet misconstruing such a refined form of it was very easy. Desmond just took it as she liked his personality and not her trying to get a kiss from him too. Yet as she moved away she grabbed a book from her bag and placed it on top of the book he also took. He now had a few books in his collection, the one he took that he doesn't really know what's in it, the one Nine gave him, and then the Encyclopedia that she spoke of. Asking him to open it when they left so he could maybe have a good memory return. As once she backed away Desmond said with a smile, [color=gold]"Yeah I swear I'll open it"[/color]. Desmond snapped his finger and tossed a light pointing gesture to Nine as he then continued, [color=gold]"Hey don't worry about who taught who this go around. You just need to make sure you repay the favor next time"[/color]. As when they left to go to where ever they were meant to leave, it was a great large rectangle that seemed to be off. As last moment goodbyes occurred, Desmond felt a smile come onto his face more so than any other time as he said with a child like expression that seemed to say, [color=gold][i]'Why are you sad, we'll see each other again'[/i][/color]. As the portal opened up, it felt strange, similar to what he has seen before, yet different. Desmond looked for a moment or 2 before he stepped in he looked back to see as everyone else was beginning to follow. [color=gold][i]'Forward onto dawn.'[/i][/color] Desmond had came to, his vision had finally came to as he looked and saw they were somewhere impossibly crazy. A desert and they were on a plateau over looking this great desert with what seemed to be thousands of soldiers walking forth to a small settlement. As he felt the others come through, Desmond looked back at their late arrival and said to her, [color=gold]"So, how was it a second time?"[/color] Desmond laughed as he looked to Ingrid and tossed her a smile. Yet Desmond's face changed as before he could even look, his back tensed up and then there was a loud roar, he felt his blood boil and his eyes rose to the skies. It was either time to flee or fight, and Desmond knew not where to go, nor what to do. He was about to pull his gun, yet Trypano seemed to have taken the option to flee into a hole, yet it was one that could assist incase they would need a place to flee, which gave Desmond some hope. Desmond grabbed his rifle and aimed up, he thought about firing, but he was unsure if he could kill it fast enough for them to hide from the army. Desmond had no clue what was going on, yet he needed to play his cards the best he could, and fighting right now might be a bad idea. Desmond looked to everyone as he yelled, [color=gold]"We need to move! Follow Trypano's lead and hide in the hole! We can't let that Army be aware we are here!"[/color] As Desmond began running to the hole, he was judging the time they had. If they were too slow they'd get drawn into a fight and also alert the Army, so they needed to get it right. As he pulled from the energy around him he converted it into kinetic energy and launched himself forward and right when he was about to near the hole, he jumped and began to convert the kinetic energy into magnetic energy and apply repelling forces on both the side of his body while also on the surface of the tunnel he was making contact with to soften his landing and slid on the tunnel walls and finally hit the water hole. As he began to convert the magnetic energy again back to kinetic energy and used it to assist him through the water to get through it and out as fast as he could to allow the next person to get through. As the moment he made his way through, Desmond looked to Trypano and said, [color=gold]"Hey there, come here often?"[/color] Desmond tossed her a smile and a laugh, he was in a slightly good mood, it had been an interesting time and now they were running from Dragons. [color=gold]"What a life"[/color].