[quote=@souleaterfan320] Aeron: *seemingly gets enjoyment from this display, absorbing as much as i can and redirects the rest, some of the energy scorching my skin* [color=662d91][i]Finally playing with real power!![/i][/color] *the cube bombards you on the inside with ever increasing stormwinds of amaranthine energy, tearing at you like sand would whip at flesh during high winds* [/quote] -Self-righteous blockhead! *Pushes through the attack, as energy is pumped from each of my palms into the cube at equal amounts, bombarding the inside of the cube with even more power than it’s being hit with on the outside. The points at each of my hands reach a critical point, causing a spiraling ball of light to appear, shrink to a point, and then detonate in a destructive flash, annihilating the cube and everything outside it within view*