[quote=@souleaterfan320] *you find that they seem directly anchored to your being, increasing in strength with each agitation* *a voice comes from within you, from the wound* Lucian: You were dead the moment my sword pierced your skin. May you burn in your 'hell' eternally. [/quote] [i]Oh, so we're talking telepathically now are we? How quaint.[/i] *I sigh and stare at the tendrils* [i]Hate to break it to you though, but I don't burn in Hell. I do get locked in a little cage though, which is oh so annoying.[/i] *I turn my gaze skyward* Not like this means anything though. Like I said, I'll just find a new vessel to inhabit. *My mouth opens and a torrent of smoke-like energy rockets out, spiraling in the air for a moment before snaking off through a dimensional rift to parts unknown. As for my vessel, it falls to lie lifeless and insensate on the cracked and barren ground. Whatever remains of Sam Winchester will be of little help in the battles to come, if anything even does* [hider=As close of a visual representation as I can get][center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/supernatural/images/2/21/12x8_LuciferExorcised.gif[/img][/center][/hider]