[@Prisk] Thanks! And I love the idea of a six-winged angel-like being as Peter's archon form. And when I was thinking of "light" element, I was thinking of it being his own unique version of the Golden element or the pure spirit energy. But, I mostly just said "light" since its easier to visualize than saying Golden or pure spirit energy. But it is also partly light too. Honestly, I hadn't given it super deep thought to be honest, so I'm not sure which route you think I should go with it. I'm fine with however you want me to present it as though, since ultimately, the achieves the same purpose and effect. And yes, the bubble functions exactly like the Barrier technique. It's basically that with Peter's unique golden sparkly light element effect, giving it a more whimsical look, but its essentially the barrier technique in form and use. As for his sleep techniques, it affects different beings differently. For example, it causes comet beasts to fall asleep pretty quickly because of their primitive minds and biology. I imagine its more effective on smaller beasts than bigger stronger ones. But on humans, it would probably make them drowsy first and then put them to sleep (so not instant on humans like it might be on comet beasts). It's even less effective on other Aeons, with some probably being able to resist the full sleep effect (i.e. only feeling a bit of disorientation and drowsiness). But that could vary from Aeon to Aeon too depending on their strength and level of resistance. Targets are still aware of Peter's presence tho, so it's not a stealth thing unless he snuck up on them and put them to sleep before they realized what happened. But, no, it's definitely not a stealth thing by nature. But you know, as a player, id never force sleep onto any other player Aeons, characters, or important NPC Aeons without OOC consent. That was a lot. hopefully that clarified everything! :)