[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kVZ9u4N.jpg[/img] [/center] Niall had jump on the Mammoth just in time, barely evading being impaled on the icicles. The rest happened fast, Niall and Gabriel horses following them until they had to dismount since their new friend refused to accompany them. Niall bid him farewell all the same and roughly explained what happened to Gabriel on their way back, keeping the deeper details for the Queen when the time would come. [hr] In the meeting room, Niall was yet again fully dressed and, despite the few hours of sleep he had, at the ready. [b][color=firebrick]"Yes, Queen Scorcha. I managed to find the Bandit encampment."[/color][/b] Niall stepped forward, pointing the location of the bandit camp on the map they had drawn. [color=firebrick][b]"There is a Wasteland in the forest, that is where the camp is situated so it would be hard to miss once there. It is built into a rock, and surrounded by well placed walls and two gates. Attacking it straight on seems like it could be trouble. From what I have seen they seemed complacent enough, with only a few of the look outs manned - though, that may have changed now I am afraid. There are a few tents and buildings and not much discipline amongst the bandits but we saw Formorians, as you already know. Worse, though, would be...whatever aberrations they seem to have created out of people in the furthest building - where I found and saved the Tuathan male, your highness."[/b][/color] And Niall took another step back. [b][color=firebrick]"We made our escapes, but it did not go as well as going in. I am afraid the Tuatha made quite a scene... I am terribly sorry about this failure. I tried to have him follow us back here but they refused and left on their own, that was a few hours ago."[/color][/b] The camp was bound to be more alert now, and Niall felt rightly guilty of that. He would have to stay doubly vigilant for what was to come in order to make up for that lapse of judgement.