[center][h1]Lucy Dolores[/h1] [sup][i]Venom And Reconciliation[/i][/sup] (Due to being skipped without permission last round, this post is a double post to accommodate for lost time.)[/center] [hr] [hider=Venom] "Holy shit!" A soldier's voice rang out, [i]"That was better than expected..."[/i] the girl thought, glancing down at Daedalus, she didn't feel much from that. If anything, she felt good after that. [i]"... What's gotten into you?"[/i] Not to stare a gift in it's face, she dropped back down firing at enemies. Two, three more dead. Lucy's fireteam was also putting in good work as well, dropping a few of the assholes on the other side of the beach. Then it hit, a bullet slamming into Daedalus, spalling off fragments into her vest. She was fine, her shirt though, definitely has looked better. Then it hit again, not a bullet, but a high, almost like a drug. Time indeed seemed to slow down for her, a bullet barely grazing her other shoulder. It stung, but something told her she would be fine. A third bullet flew by, passing through the arm of one of her comrades with... Silence? Somehow, that guy is still firing back, one of the others pulling him down to try and patch him up. Her barrel moved, focusing on the shooter. One, two, three. She felt like she had all the time in the world to line up those shots. One through the lung, the other through the gut, the third through the neck. That felt deserved, that guy just shot her allies, though she didn't think much of it, pulling out her empty mag and slotting in a new one. Something caught her eye, a lens glint? She flicked her rifle into that direction. [i]"Crap."[/i] A sniper team. Her hand moves to tap the shoulder of the guy to her right, the guy she's been pestering a lot. Hopefully he's not too angry after this. "Shooters, patrol boats." She points to said boats, the soldier nodding, commenting back "We fire, then move two meters to the right under cover, pop up, fire again. You got it?" Lucy trains her sights on one. "Aye." They both open fire, Lucy then learns it's not just her who's more precise, it's everyone. Those shots land accurately, promptly ducking down, following the soldier, popping back up, then finishing what they could of the snipers off. Lucy continues to engage the enemy. Some Arm Masters pride themselves on their Noble Arm, Lucy doesn't, guns are still a primary form of combat for her. She continues to send down enemies with her gun, thankfully everyone else is keeping some enemies tied up as well. That was, until she saw enemies vanish. People she swore she killed, vanished. Blink after blink, some of her fireteam was concerned too. "What do you think this means?" one asked Lucy. She merely sniffed in response, following with "Some kinda Arms Master. Never seen a tank vanish, though. One trick pony?" "Don't be so sure about that, hoss." another said, "You ever see an entire army just vanish?" "But, why would they disappear even the dead?" the first responded. The girl sits down in the trench, setting her rifle down as well. "Maybe they can consume anything and everything to generate immense power." the one to the right comments in "Or they're rebuilding their army, I don't wanna go through that slog again." "Neither do I, man, hopefully we can kill that guy if he is restoring an army. Where do you bet he is?" another asks "Hiding, in a tree, or on a ship. Maybe even underwater. Could be a fish, I've seen one Arms Master hold their breath for a long time." the girl would consider out loud, tilting her head down and squinting. [/hider] [hider=Reconciliation] "A fish? Don't kid me, how would they see everyone to return?" "Hm, you're right." Lucy responds. She looks upwards, letting out a sigh. [i]"Wait..."[/i] her hand clasps around her gun. "Boss?" one asks. "Clouds are gone." "What?" "Look, clouds are gone." "Oh man, why would they get rid of the clouds?" Lucy thinks about this for a moment. "Airborne attack, got rid of the clouds to see us all." one soldier freaks out a bit, visibly nervous and shifting in place "They're gonna try to wipe us out in a fell swoop?" The Arms Master mutters under her breath. "Cover, now. NOW." With that, the group scrambles for as much cover as they can get, sheltering in place. That's when they felt the heat, the raw heat from the sun. Lucy didn't spot it, because who would stare at the sun? But there was a second sun attacking them. Damn that soldier for being correct, tensing up against the sound of a line of fury wail against the barrier. There's no way that's staying up now. After it passed, she pulled out her radio. "Arms Master Lucy, with associated fireteam... We're alive. Requesting tasking, I don't see any close enemies, tell me what to do." Now, she just hoped someone would give her something useful to do. "Fuuuuck..." A soldier groaned out, "What the fuck was that?" The girl sits herself back up, shaking her head. "Don't want to know. Don't want it to happen again." Her head cranes from side to side, spotting the resulting fires. "We're pretty lucky to be alive. We need to get out of here, this gift isn't gonna last long. Relocate, get near a vehicle." With that, she retreats from the line, her fireteam following her. There's nothing they can do here, if they don't get an evac call, Lucy would probably consider the commanding officer somewhat insane, though a thought creeps up. If they didn't kill whatever launched that attack, they'd just do it again. "Someone look around us." One soldier nods and does so, quickly yapping back "Clear, I don't see anything." "Unless we learn where that attacker is, there's nothing we can do, Daedalus doesn't have extreme range. All we can do is protect the command." [/hider]