[color=e5c28e][center][sup][h1] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/m1lVIum.png[/img][/center] [b][center][color=black] 𝖈 𝖍 𝖆 𝖔 𝖘[/color] [color=e5c28e]𝖈 𝖍 𝖆 𝖔 𝖘[/color][/center][/b][/h1][/sup] [right][sup]𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: UW Medical Center 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: [color=#00CC99]Tlaz[/color], [color=DC143C]Hathor[/color], [color=5A7B7B]Sekhmet[/color], [color=a187be]Isabel[/color] & [color=ed1c24]Ares[/color] 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: a whole bunch of Ares shit-talking[/sup][/right]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/center] Stray tears slid down her cheeks, dropping onto the carpeted rug beneath her as she lay there, heartbroken and physically feeling numb to the world around her. She couldn’t find the will to get up to function just yet. She didn’t know how or when she had arrived home, everything being fuzzy since the moment her eyes had locked with another pair that she recognized, ones that were dulled of life, and cold in a way they never should have been. Death was the parting and the new growth of life on the mortal plane but that meaning was lackluster and very different when seeing the result on people that had touched your heart. Hathor’s reasonable side shouted that she hadn’t known, couldn’t have known, that even if she had…it might not have changed his fate but it still hurt. They had confided in each other about so much and had found an easy friendship, one that was short, a mere few months in the making but one she had cherished. She had hoped to hold onto their connection as long as possible for a mortal life and now, she found out too late…they could have been friends for far longer than the small blip of a mortal lifespan….and they both could have spoken the secretive truth of their existence….. they could have said their real names instead of keeping up a farce with each other….now it would never happen…. someone had stolen that from her. Had hurt not only her but others that she cared for by such horrendous actions. ‘[i]Zion[/i]….no…’ [COLOR=DC143C]”[sub]….Ζαγρεύς[/sub]”[/color], Hath whispered weakly, another fresh batch of tears flowing as she curled tighter into herself. He was…[i]gone[/i] and while she didn’t know Macaria very well, the Greek goddess had deserved better than what fate had granted her. She couldn’t imagine what Persephone and Hades were going through right now, having never been a parent or lost a child. Her heart bled for the two that she cared for. She didn’t even remember if she had let them know she was here for them. That she would hunt down the one who did this. They would pay with suffering, blood, and bones. The killer would feel the pain they all felt a million fold if she had anything to say about it. A swell of rage grew once more, boiling under the surface and mixing in with her sorrow as she wanted to hunt, shred, and destroy. A happy chime pulled her back to the land of the living, bursting the bubble her mind had created to just wallow in her swirling thoughts and emotions. She blinked slowly, letting everything come into focus once more as she felt uncomfortable…the rug was digging against her skin and caused an itchy feeling, her dried tears felt sticky, she was having trouble breathing from the amount of crying, there was a slight stinging sensation near her ankles while everything else felt stiff. Rising weakly into a seated position, she looked around the room and noticed the chaos all around her. Objects were smashed to pieces, items toppled over and scattered about, stains from broken wine bottles littered the floor, and glass of different kinds were all about. It looked like a war zone or maybe even worse than that with the exception of the patch she sat in. She looked down at her legs, a few little nics most likely from splashback broken glass but nothing deep or worrisome. She pushed off the ground to stand, carefully weaving through the mess to the source of the noise that drew her away from pleasant numbness. The phone glowing with a notification stating it was time for work, bringing her thoughts to Tlaz and reminding her that there were still dangers lurking. Ones that could remove even more from her. No, she would protect them. Determination filled her as she turned away to get cleaned up and ready for the rest of what was left of this horrid day. She would not fail anyone else. [center]•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••[/center] Hathor stepped into the Jade Jaguar, looking very much the [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/31c44df418f1c7730dc8a8b7da67e12e/e3d75d560cc9d32d-6e/s1280x1920/fb78a7333edbc62a71cbfb0705e25788f047a3e4.jpg]goddess[/url] she was instead of the weak woman she had been within the safety of her home. She walked with purpose, people naturally stepping out of her way as if creating a path and she didn’t know if their internal instincts warned them of the danger lurking behind the surface of calm or if they knew exactly who she was and the direction she would ultimately be taking. The moment she slid behind the bar, she felt her nerves starting to soothe a bit as she felt in her element and safer amongst the crowd of people. [COLOR=DC143C]”Hey hun, I got it from here. Why don’t you get out of here while you still can?”[/color], she stated with a smile to the current tender who was filling up trays as well as assisting the current clients deciding to partake in refreshments from the cushioned seats there. “Sure thing! Thanks Jas!” she smiled, eagerly handing over the vodka bottle in her hands and not giving a look back as she hurried away. Hath shook her head lightly at her retreating form and had she been in a better mood she might have even chuckled but instead her sharp gaze glided over the crowd, feeling on edge when she didn’t spot Tlaz right away. There was a tremulous amount of emotions bubbling up inside Tlazōlteōtl that she wasn't entirely sure what to do with. All she knew was that she intended on confronting Ares with the little information she gathered from this evening. God's safety be damned. The more she thought about it the more somber she became and the more somber she became the more it fueled her to become even more enraged than she had known in quite a long time. Thirty fucking years. No call. No letter. Absolute silence from the one who claimed to adore her. [i]Love her[/i]. It tore her apart piece by piece. She thought she was over this issue by now. Snatching up anyone available mortal and god alike. But upon seeing him earlier today and the words he spoke that little, dying spark of hope reignited once more. But now? Tsk. Now she would get her answers. No more would he be allowed to hide and lie to her again. She was storming past the secondary bar, the main one seated towards the front middle of the establishment, when a familiar set of eyes caught her attention. Planning to inform Hathor of the situation she sharply turned on her heel and made it to the counter in record time. [color=#00CC99]"[abbr=my bosom friend/best friend]Yolicniuhtli[/abbr] I will be stepping out for a while. Don't know if I will return tonight, do you mind closing up?"[/color] As an afterthought she added, [color=#00CC99]"I'm hunting for War,"[/color] and the gleam in her eyes screamed for a fight. [COLOR=DC143C]”You know I would do anything for you but please sit, have a drink, and tell me what happened? Not that you need a reason in my book to hunt down War but I am worried about you roaming the city alone after…today.”[/color], voicing her concern and fears as she reached under the counter, pulling out a glass and already setting to work to pour her friend a drink. If anything, it would at least calm the nerves a bit. Sighing through her nose she listened to Hath; she had no reason not to. But she didn't want this… motivation to fizzle out before she had a chance to find the god in question. [color=#00CC99]"One drink,"[/color] lithe fingers held the glass and swirled it, eyes watching the liquid twist and turn like the emotions within her. Finally taking that first sip she looked to her friend. [color=#00CC99]"Would you believe me if I told you he had a child, one that wasn't already known to you?"[/color] The words felt like hot coals in her throat and there was no stopping her from biting her lip to keep her composure as she delved into the conversation just moments before with this daughter of his and the stories she weaved. At the end of it all, Tlazōlteōtl had had a few more than just the one drink, her anger still present just taking a backseat to the confusion trying to take its place, [color=#00CC99]"He left me, in Madrid… for someone else. Had a [i]child[/i] with them… I should have listened to you when you told me not to get involved with him. Should have listened to everyone…"[/color] This was one of the few and only times that being told ‘you were right’ didn’t feel enjoyable and instead filled her with all encompassing wrath. How [i]dare[/i] he? Thirty years? Not once had he had the courage to say what had happened while still claiming to love her upon return? It felt familiar to her, being played for second best if this child had been at all truthful. Hathor wished she had been here to question the woman herself but Ares would be the next best bet. Tlaz was right, he needed to be hunted down and forced to explain with no more secrets or omissions. A loud piercing scream brought her out of her murderous thoughts, letting her claim the reins on her rage momentarily which was getting out of hand today, not that she could be fully blamed for those feelings. Either way, it flew her into high alert to see what had caused the mortal woman’s distress but only found the horrified expression addressed in her direction. Hath let her eyes drift down where all the stares from the patrons were locked and found large pieces of glass scattered over the bar, vodka spilling onto the ground and mixing with a growing puddle of blood pouring from her hand. The pain receptors started to activate now that it had been brought to her attention and she shakily opened her hand so she wasn’t pressing the glass embedded there deeper into her skin. She wanted to tell the others panicking not to worry but everyone was already on their phones, most likely calling emergency and other waitresses were gathering while expressing first aid knowledge which might have been more useful if she hadn’t been a goddess. Hath just looked up to Tlaz while ignoring those around her, an apologetic gaze as she would have to play along since there was no brushing off this kind of wound with so many witnesses to the event unfolding. It was a sight to see for sure, as blood dripped from Hathor’s injured hand, and then to have the people in the immediate area run around trying to help. They wouldn’t ever believe that it was a blip to the likes of them. But nonetheless, Tlaz nodded in response to her friend’s gaze, they would need to play it up for the masses. [color=#00CC99]“No worries everyone, it was an accident. I’ll make sure she gets to the hospital in one piece,”[/color] At the same time as she was standing, offering a hand to her injured friend, she called out for one of the managers - a veteran in the club. [color=#00CC99]“Jacob love, would you mind taking over tonight?”[/color] The stoic male behind the bar nodded and took charge offering a round of drinks to get everyone’s attention off of them two. Tlaz nodded gratefully towards the mortal male before turning all her attention towards the Egyptian beside her. The two were able to effectively walk out of there and into the cool night air to the concrete sidewalk. People bustling about, pushing this way and that only seconds before, parted like the Red Sea when their eyes laid on the godly figures before them. They were easy to ignore. All that was on their minds was getting out from under the curious gazes inside the Jaguar. [color=#00CC99]“Do you need me to go with you? We can meet with Sekh, I think she’s working tonight?”[/color] [COLOR=DC143C]”I’ll be alright, go hunt down your man and show him who is boss. I’ll go see Sekh and see if she can’t patch me up. Be safe and keep me updated.”[/color], she answered, flagging down a taxi with her good hand. Hath opened the back seat, pausing to give Tlaz a weak side hug and a quick ‘love you’ before hopping instead and giving the hospital address. [center]•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••[/center] A mortal child. It had to be a joke. [i]That[/i] was what Ares was hiding? Sekhmet listened to the dial tone ring for a few moments longer, allowing herself to linger in the absolute delirious state she was finding herself in, unable to hide the laughter erupting from her chest. So the great Ares had a weakness after all. When she finally put the phone back down, Sekhmet staggered from the rush of different emotions overwhelming her. She had barely managed to unpack that luncheon before fate threw another curveball at her. Maybe she would not be so surprised if she sees Ra step through the emergency room doors tonight. Not that it would be pleasant… Sekhmet chose to move from the nurse’s station, opting to check on her new favorite mortal’s recovery while she prepared herself for the inevitable chaos that Ares would bring upon his arrival. Isabel’s surgery was going as planned, and by Sekhmet’s estimate the little mortal would be wheeled out very soon to recover in her private ward. She didn’t get very far however when a nurse quickly flagged her down. “Dr. Ayad! Glad I caught you! We have a patient that entered into emergency and she is refusing any assistance or treatment from anyone that isn’t you. She isn’t being unruly but was very persistent that no one else will do. She said she would be willing to wait if you were busy but her wounds are pretty deep, needing glass removal and stitches.…oh, and she also told me to tell you that ‘Ra is trash’ but I have no idea what that means?” he stated, trying to explain the situation and provide as much necessary information as possible. “Are you available to assist?” Sekhmet had been ready to shoo the nurse away, her entire focus on preparing herself for the inevitable shitstorm that Ares would bring with him, but the code had the words stuck in her mouth. Unable to hide the giggle - because really, it [i]was[/i] funny and there was only one other person that Sekhmet knew that could say something like that. [color=5A7B7B]“Thank you, I’ll take it from here.”[/color] Isabel could wait, perhaps having Hathor’s support wouldn’t hurt. After dismissing the nurse, Sekhmet found the ward that Hathor had been assigned, entering the room with no hesitation. [color=5A7B7B]“Hath,”[/color] Sekhmet greeted with a smile. [color=5A7B7B]“What can I do for you?”[/color] [COLOR=DC143C]”I could really use a hand.”[/color], Hathor weakly joked with a smile while raising her damaged hand for Sekhmet to view. It still had pieces of glass stuck within and buried into her palm as she didn’t want to cause more problems by pulling it out. It would heal in no time but better safe than sorry so she had actually committed to going to the hospital instead of home or rampaging for War. [COLOR=DC143C]”I accidently forgot my own strength and the fact I had a bottle in my hand when receiving some [i]interesting[/i] information.”[/color] Sekhmet offered her hand, allowing Hathor to place her injured hand over her palm so she could examine it. [color=5A7B7B]“Today has been an interesting day for the two of us.”[/color] Sekhmet gingerly started treating the wounds, keeping hold of her hand so she could use her ability to speed up Hathor’s healing process. [color=5A7B7B]“Tell me as I work, that’ll be my payment for today.”[/color] [COLOR=DC143C]”Apparently, Tlaz got an interesting customer at the Jade Jaguar in the form of a daughter of Ares but a mortal one. She decided that telling Tlaz what Ares has been up to in his missing years and just how [i]loved[/i] her mother was as if it was a wonderful idea. I realize that she doesn’t have full context if she is willing to step up against a goddess but it seems malicious all the same. If it is at all true, I would love to give Ares a piece of my mind or deliver him to Tlaz in a less than perfect condition so she can rip him a new one. All this time and he couldn’t even communicate with her! He left her for another and had the ones that truly care for her pick up the broken pieces of her heart!”[/color] she stated as Sekh worked her magic, she rage bubbling once more as she thought of all those weeks and months after the incident. He had hurt her deeply and came back in as if it were nothing. Hath didn’t even know if he realized just how badly he had messed up and the lack of communication and secrets just made everything all the worse. Ra had left her feeling second best and no one should have to feel that. Tlaz didn’t deserve it and especially not the secrecy of a child. Ra was an ass but at least he had been upfront when he had chosen another. Sekhmet listened to Hathor rant, her own thoughts running amok as things started slipping into place. A mortal Ares child, a [i]malicious[/i] mortal of Ares’ blood. [color=5A7B7B]“You wouldn’t happen to know what she looks like, do you?”[/color] Sekhmet asked. Karma worked rather quickly if it was indeed Isabel that Tlaz met. Was Hathor the reason Isabel had a glass shard embedded deep in her leg? No matter, Hathor would get her answers soon enough. [color=5A7B7B]“What if I told you… Ares is coming? Here, to the hospital. To see his daughter.”[/color] Sekhmet asked. [COLOR=DC143C]”Sadly, I was not there to see the altercation but Tlaz did give a brief description here and there.”[/color], Hathor shrugged, figuring trying to find the mortal child would be like a needle in a haystack, where Ares was an easier target. Her curiosity peaked at Sekhmet’s next words though and a slow grin crept onto her face, [COLOR=DC143C]”[i]Really?[/i] Isn’t karma just a bitch. I am assuming that the…daughter in question that he will be visiting is of mortal nature because it would be delightful to deal with two birds with one stone.”[/color] Sekhmet mirrored Hathor’s expression, the air around them turning electric. [color=5A7B7B]“You’re correct. Stabbed sometime after visiting Tlazolteotl but she never revealed who. Isabel Markov is her name but here’s the interesting thing.”[/color] Sekhmet leaned closer to Hathor, as though she were revealing a big secret. [color=5A7B7B]“There’s nothing in her records. Birth certificate is government issued from Colombia, no mother’s name, no hospital details, nothing.”[/color] The lack of information was rather odd, but considering Ares was involved, it had to be for good reason. [color=5A7B7B]“The mortal even told me something before she was wheeled off into surgery. She knows about her sister.”[/color] The Lioness began to laugh earnestly, throwing her head back as though she heard the greatest joke in the world. [color=5A7B7B]“Ares wasn’t just loyal to Tlazolteotl, he wasn’t even loyal to his mortal.”[/color] [COLOR=DC143C]”Unbelievable! I swear…when I get my hands on him….I’ll make him pay but first, I think I need to give this mortal a visit.”[/color] Although the bombshell was her favourite part of the gossip, Sekhmet couldn’t help but wonder about how perfectly the documents surrounding Isabel’s birth had been scrubbed. The goddesses discussed the mystery, long enough that even Hathor’s hand had fully healed by the time a timid looking nurse knocked on the door to the ward. As Sekhmet approached, the nurse spoke. “Doctor Ayad? I was sent from gen surgery, your patient has been moved to her ward.” She announced, low enough that only Sekhmet could hear. Not that it mattered, Hathor would find out anyway. [color=5A7B7B]“Is she awake?”[/color] Sekhmet asked, only for the nurse to nod in confirmation. [color=5A7B7B]“Thank you for letting me know, I’ll go check on her.”[/color] Sekhmet’s eagerness must have shown through, as the nurse nervously pulled at the threads of her sleeve before making her leave. With the nurse gone, Sekhmet turned to face Hathor. [color=5A7B7B]“Shall we?”[/color] [COLOR=DC143C]”Lead the way.”[/color], Hathor replied with just as much eagerness. The room chosen for Hathor and the room Isabel was recovering in weren't far apart. Sekhmet guided the enraged Goddess to the little mortal’s room. [color=5A7B7B]“Oh, I forgot to ask if Ares made it.”[/color] Sekhmet clicked her tongue in displeasure. Oh well. Isabel’s room hadn't changed much since the last time she'd been inside. The only difference was the IV stand beside Isabel’s bed, attached to her arm as part of routine care. [color=5A7B7B]“Ms. Markov, welcome back to the land of the awake.”[/color] [color=a187be]“Oh heya doc.”[/color] A drowsy Isabel said. She was already sitting upright on the side of her bed. [color=a187be]“Someone stole my clothes.”[/color] She noted off-handedly. The nurse in her room checking the IV rolled her eyes and walked over to Doctor Ayad. “She wants to leave.” The nurse noted dryly before walking out the room. [color=a187be]“Yup!”[/color] Isabel said as confidently as she could sound in her current state. [color=a187be]“I’m leaving.”[/color] She grabbed the IV stand and with as much strength as she could muster she pulled herself up. Her left – stabbed – leg buckled immediately. Sekhmet’s feet reacted before her mind did, crossing the threshold of Isabel’s room to reach her side and stabilize her. The fact that the little mortal was already pushing her limits by standing up (and getting far) was impressive to the Goddess. [color=5A7B7B]“Not so fast, Ms . Markov. I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.”[/color] Hathor’s nose scrunched up while a frown of distaste plastered onto her features for a brief second at Sekhmet’s assistance of the little mortal but then again, she was a healer and if anything had appearances to keep up. She stepped out of the doorway, gently shutting the door before silently moving over to the window looking out into the hallway and closing the blinds. Normally, she would have taken one of the visitor chairs and blocked the door but who knows when their other visitor would arrive and it just wouldn’t do to have him kept from her or to ruin the ultimate surprise. She slowly turned around, a cheshire grin creeping onto her face as she grabbed the nearest chair, dragging it closer and sat down, crossing one leg over the other. [COLOR=DC143C]”And even if she was inclined to allow your release, you would have to get through me first and I promise…I am more than I appear. Now, we have a lot to discuss, you and I. Please, have a seat before I get up and [i]assist[/i] you myself.”[/color], she stated, her words calm and gentle as one would speak to a child but the hidden and deeper threats sat on the edge. Hath slowly slid into interrogation mode that she had used when working for Hades and was preparing to deal with her promptly to get what she needed and iron in the rules she would set. [color=a187be]“This sucks.”[/color] The only mortal in the room said dryly before she let herself fall backwards on the bed again. In an hour or two she’d try again. She did refused any further help from her doctor. If she got out of bed on her own she would get back into it on her own as well. However, with her test of strength so thoroughly failed her fight against the drowsiness of the drugs began to waver as well. When she had her back comfortably against the bed she let her head roll to her side to look at the new person who entered the room. Isabel didn’t recognize her. [color=a187be]“You’re pretty.”[/color] She said with a slight giggle. [color=a187be]“Are you a friend of doc?”[/color] She tried to raise her arm to point at Doctor Ayad but her limb just mostly flopped. Hathor chuckled lowly, ignoring the compliment for now before replying, [COLOR=DC143C]”You could say that but family would be closer to the truth. I happen to have other friends you have possibly met. A certain one at the Jade Jaguar comes to mind.”[/color] [color=a187be]”She was pretty too.”[/color] The mortal’s tone had shifted a little. Her brain - while slowed - began to realize what was happening. She just leaned back to make herself comfortable. This wasn’t going to be nice. [COLOR=DC143C]”Indeed she is. Now, it has come to my attention that you enjoyed a little conversation with her concerning your father. Now, while I don’t very much care or like your father….their relationship is none of my business so it damn sure isn’t your business either. Let me make this clear so your morphine riddled brain can comprehend. You stay away from her. You keep your mouth shut in her presence. I am being…..merciful in my request since I have complete faith that you know nothing about your father…well, not the important matters anyway. Do I make myself clear? Because next time, it won’t be a warning, that I promise you.”[/color] Isabel gave this strange, new woman a sideway glance. Her heart was beating slightly faster. A bit of adrenaline was being pushed through her blood again already. Who the hell did this woman thinks she was? The fact that she seemingly knew more about Isabel’s father did make her a little curious but not afraid. Too many strange things happened already. By now it was just easier to go with the flow. Once she would be out the hospital, preferably before her father could get here, she’d start stressing about piecing it all together. [color=a187be]“You were very clear.”[/color] Isabel noted, though she was again looking up at the ceiling. She had been threatened enough in her life. [color=a187be]“But not very convincing. I don’t really care about your friend. If she does what I think she’ll do then I probably won’t see or speak to her again.”[/color] There was a malevolent grin on her face now too. [color=a187be]“So take your threats and just go. It doesn’t matter anymore.”[/color] [COLOR=DC143C]”Oh, I guess you don’t understand what clear means. Allow me to enlighten you.”[/color], Hathor stated, all the gentleness leaving her voice and becoming cold, lifeless, and a glimpse of pure unfiltered rage that usually boiled into destruction. She stood slowly, moving to the bedside as she purposely dug her nails into the freshly fixed wound and wishing she had kept the glass that had been in her palm not long ago. She pressed in harder, leaning to the girl's ear so close that her mouth was touching the shell as she whispered, [COLOR=DC143C]”I don’t make threats. I make promises and not even your father could stop me if I saw fit to make you my target. Whatever game you think you are playing, you are fighting a losing battle. She will not react how you want and all you have bought is her rage at your father which usually leads to results you clearly won’t enjoy. Next time, stop acting like a child and confront your father about what is really digging under your skin….”[/color] Hath pushed more of her strength into putting as much harm that could be easily fixed quickly by Sekh as she could and dug even deeper into the wound. [COLOR=DC143C]”….or I will physically dig into yours in a way that will not be fixable.”[/color] She finally pulled back, placing herself back into her seat and looked at her hands, inspecting them as if she had broken a nail and was determining how to fix it. She didn’t like this child’s mouth but that was clearly a trait her and her father seemed to share. If he would just show up already, she could do what she craves without holding back. Isa was already pushing her luck and limits as it was and Ares would be so much more fun to hassle. She was about ready to just spill everything to the mortal child just to watch her brain overload to process it. It was a crying shame that she was a child of Ares. In another life, Sekhmet could have liked the little mortal. Not many were able to talk back against the great Hathor, though perhaps the little mortal simply wasn't aware of what she was getting involved in. There was a pool of blood slowly building around the wound Hathor had caused, the stitches from surgery broken like string. Sekhmet wasn't in any hurry to heal the wound just yet. She would be patient. [color=5A7B7B]“What have you gotten yourself into, little mortal?”[/color] Sekhmet asked patronisingly. If Isa wasn’t on painkillers Hathor’s torture would’ve had her squirming on the bed. Luckily for her morphine blocked a large part of the pain. The rest she could easily embrace. That was the trick with inevitable pain. Fighting it made it worse. Embracing it, accepting it, was the only way. At least in the short term. Inside though she did grin. Whoever this woman was, she gave her a little more insight in her adversary. Hatred and rage wouldn’t win? Perhaps she would have to do things the other way around then. Of course, first she would have to find out who this woman was and utterly ruin her life. She wasn’t going to say that part out loud of course. She just turned towards her doc, who was probably in on it but she couldn’t really blame her. That was what family was for right? You helped each other, no matter how weird or dangerous a request. There was still a bottle of whiskey from Isabel waiting for her in the future. Though it probably wouldn’t be top shelf stuff. [color=a187be]“Right.”[/color] Isabel just said as she grabbed the IV stand again. [color=a187be]“My stitches…seem to have… broken.”[/color] She managed to get out. Her breathing was heavy and labored. She was pushing her body. The bleeding didn’t help. Isabel gave her doctor a small smile as she again swung her legs out from under her bed. This time she only dropped on her left leg. It could hold her weight for now. Just barely. [color=a187be]“I better… find a nurse to… patch tha-”[/color] Her words slowed as she couldn’t even finish the sentence. Her brain was getting a bit foggy. No matter, she’d push through. She always pushed through. With a hop, she began to make an attempt to move. Sekhmet blocked her way once again, with an arm stretched in front of Isabel to hold onto her IV. [color=5A7B7B]“No need to panic, Ms. Markov. If you cooperate with us, I could heal you till you're capable of sprinting out those doors within hours. Doctor’s promise.”[/color] Sekhmet paused briefly before adding. [color=5A7B7B]“And… Well, we’re still waiting on one more guest. I can't let him [i]not[/i] see you like this.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I seem to be expected.”[/color] Ares stepped through the door just in time to see Sekhmet holding back his wounded daughter and then at Hathor with a bloodied hand sitting in a seat next to the bed. [COLOR=DC143C]”I have to say, your daughter is as thick headed as you are. Seems she wants to ruin your relationship before it’s even gotten its footing again. Keep that wreck away from her. I mean it. I won’t clean up your mess again. She gets hurt and I won’t play nice. We can discuss details after our kind doctor gives you the details of what I reopened.”[/color] The arrival of Ares brought a malicious grin on Sekhmet’s face, allowing the God to witness the state of his daughter before coaxing Isabel to lie back down on the hospital bed. [color=5A7B7B]“The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Your daughter pissed someone off and got to face the consequences. This,”[/color] Sekhmet gestured towards the reopened stitches before placing her hand over the wound, [color=5A7B7B] “This is just the start. I won't be here to heal her next time.”[/color] A promise was a promise, and Sekhmet was a Goddess of her word. She had no hatred for the little mortal in front of her, it was just a shame her father was who he was. Isabel felt like she was on the brink of passing out until suddenly she felt a warmth radiate from her leg. Her lucidity returned to her as the distant sting of her wound began to fade. Until it was gone completely. She gave her leg a practice swing. The muscle was fully restored. With shock and confusion she looked at Sekhmet. [color=ed1c24]“Go outside.”[/color] She looked up at her father. [color=a187be]“Dad… how.. did-“[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Go outside.”[/color] He said again. In a way telling her he wouldn’t negotiate with her. Not right now. Right now she had to follow orders. Even if she had a million questions. Quite meekly and wordlessly she passed Doctor Ayad and then her father. Who had his eyes still trained on the two other women in the room. After what felt far too long, she finally got out of there. [color=ed1c24]“Both of you… are exceptionally cruel. She is a mortal! And wounded! Yet the both of you come in here barely masking your own divinity over what?”[/color] He then turned specifically towards Sekhmet. [color=ed1c24]“You created the expectation that you were better than that. You’re falling short.”[/color] And after that he left. He had nothing more to say. [/color]