[quote=@Heroic] For sure. I do absolutely understand. Heck, I’ve been there myself in the past. So I’m not going to beg you to stay or anything. It is, after all, your choice. Nothing can stop you if things are too far gone. But know that I’m putting in an effort here because I would hate to see you go. It’s not odd at all. It is slightly out of sync with our norm, yes, but I wouldn’t call it weird. It’s worth sharing that we, the core of the RP, have been doing this RP for nearly 10 consecutive years, so we have a system that does work. I just also will add that I admit that that much experience undoubtedly also implies a level of familiarity with each other and how each of us operates, and as a result, perhaps a disposition towards plot threads that is admittedly not friendly to newcomers. So I apologize on that front, it’s easy to get stuck in the status quo. The flow of it all. Definitely. I’m fully aware of a lack of intention to measure between each other comparatively. And nothing is going to be [i]justified[/i] by me there. But I do think it could all be fixed in the end, by communication, which I will assert with just a blanket statement so as to avoid finger pointing: Open communication on all fronts [i]is[/i] key. I do understand how you feel. MR is a labor of love we’ve all had ups and downs with in the past, and I say that with personal experience. I apologize for how some things have made you feel, but I want you to know that things are always open to be worked on and you aren’t shut out. Or, if you’re insistent on resignation, that is understandable as well. No hard feelings. [/quote] >I remain firm in my decision to leave, but I do appreciate the sentiment.