Well, I didn't intend for this discussion to go that way, so thank you mods for stepping in where needed. [quote=@Zyx] >Well I can't speak for the OP, but so far as I'm concerned it's just like experiencing a different life, or just because I felt like doing it on a whim. But given how vivid and close to lucid my dreams are at times, and the amount of lives and perspectives I've had within them that are not my own thanks to the enforced plot/narratives said dreams have had, I think I'm more accustomed to exploring perspectives that are not my own or not human than most. Or at least more influenced to do so anyway. Although again, I don't write these things exclusively. I do have a preference towards writing characters of my own gender by default, but again to me that's like swapping out parts on a Lego. In the end whatever perspectives or views there are might as well be tools for me to use to further a character's development or the overall story. [/quote] Hi! OP here. I've always tended to pick female characters or create ones when applicable and I never really figured out why. I enjoy it. For roleplay purposes, it was interesting creating characters and experiencing things through their eyes, often far different than my real-life experiences, so maybe that's it. Thankfully when roleplaying I haven't had many people take issue with this, though there have been some people that have either made assumptions about me (whether correct or not) or have expressed a dislike of it, those have been few and far between. I was mainly roleplaying on MMOs in the early 2010s so maybe we have become more understanding as the years went on. I'm sure there's still little trolls and haters out there, but I haven't met any on here or in my roleplay groups.