[quote=@PatientBean] Well, I didn't intend for this discussion to go that way, so thank you mods for stepping in where needed. Hi! OP here. I've always tended to pick female characters or create ones when applicable and I never really figured out why. I enjoy it. For roleplay purposes, it was interesting creating characters and experiencing things through their eyes, often far different than my real-life experiences, so maybe that's it. Thankfully when roleplaying I haven't had many people take issue with this, though there have been some people that have either made assumptions about me (whether correct or not) or have expressed a dislike of it, those have been few and far between. I was mainly roleplaying on MMOs in the early 2010s so maybe we have become more understanding as the years went on. I'm sure there's still little trolls and haters out there, but I haven't met any on here or in my roleplay groups. [/quote] >I see. And I think that people have become more understanding as a whole when it comes to roleplaying and the like, though again the odd bit of retraction from writing other perspectives still confuses me. I understand wanting to write what one knows, but to do so without ever branching out seems strange. In any case though, I started roleplaying on fandom wiki's, primarily the Superpower Wiki. So even then the whole solely writing one's own gender thing and bias that comes from IRL perspective just didn't really exist for me. Not when godlike powers and entities who are only truly human in appearance made such irrelevant anyway.