[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220404/603e5d2b7ef304a9e355245a216af3df.png[/img][/Center] [Right]Interacting with/Mentioning: None[/Right][hr] [color=ed1c24]"Fuck you mean, 'it's closed'?"[/color] Chen flung his hands out to the side, book in hand, half-shouting at the library boy, Tanaka. He looked to the side, seeing several students wandering around the library, reading textbooks, or studying together. [color=ed1c24]"Look! You can literally see people walking around the-"[/color] He was quickly cut off once more by Tanaka who quickly stepped in front of him, blocking his view, insisting that he go somewhere else to read his book. He knew Tanaka pretty well at that point, so why would he go against him now? The only logical conclusion he could come to was he either hung out with a girl he liked during his little study session with Asumi, or, the more likely option, he was being put up to this by Miss Okamoto. That bitch. It's one thing to teach a class poorly, it's another to actively impede your students. He needed a plan. One that would expose her antics. Unfortunately, he had little in the way of evidence. If he tried to go to the principal about her threat to expell them, she could just deny it, and it would be her word against his. And as far as Tanaka went, he couldn't actually [i]prove[/i] she was manipulating him. Not yet, at least. He needed to bide his time. [color=ed1c24]"You win this round Tanaka. But I'll be back."[/color] He then turned on his heels and began heading the other way. Well, now was the time to think of where to go next. Going straight home seemed like it would just be a repeat of last night, or at the very least, he'd end up clocking out early and miss out on valuable time. Hmm... a predicament indeed. For now, maybe a walk would clear his head, or at least keep him awake. He made his way towards the entrance of the school and began switching out his shoes. Where to next?