[b][I]Raven Rivers[/i][/b] [i]We might actually win this,[/i] Raven thought as he charged, the enemy fire either missing or 'plinking' off his Mech's armor as said Mech ran at full tilt towards the enemy position. "DIE, ASSHOLES!" he shouted loudly as days of pent-up tension finally released themselves, and he began to fire at the Striker already firing at him with his autocannon, hoping to perforate it in a few shots. Once that was done, he'd look for the nearest Laser turret or emplacement and fire a short-ranged missile or a spray of autocannon shots at it so that it won't be able to stop the Infantry force once they make their raid on the depot. He made sure to be in a position where, once the convoy was flushed out, he can cut off its line of retreat as per Ingrid's orders; hopefully he had not misunderstood them. Either way, Raven tried to be meticulous as he took out anything which can concievably be Anti-Infantry, counting on Arroxy and his asshole crew (he still cannot forget the words said against the people of Espia) plus Marit and her Archer to take down the remaining Striker and Scorpion [i]plus[/i] distract the defenders from how he was deliberately targeting the Laser turrets...