The most cringe-worthy OC I've ever encountered was last year on tumblr, when I was active in the TWD RP community there. I ran a Negan blog and at some point got a request from someone wanting to write their OC in a romantic story with Negan. When I read the profile on this girl I facepalmed so I hard I gave myself a concussion. This OC was like 20 or so, which already was a red flag because Negan is like 50 and she wanted to pair them up. She had a Super Tragic backstory with a ton of abuse and sexual assault from nearly every family member for many years, but She Would Not Be Broken! No, she escaped her family but not before killing them all with a katana she somehow got her hands on because... Japan is cool? I mean, it is but c'mon. She also got her hands on a crossbow because of course she did, and found a badass bike somewhere because again, of course she did - she also shipped this OC with Daryl - and from the character pictures that were posted this girl dressed like she got everything fresh from Hot Topic. Years into a zombie apocalypse. Because that makes total sense. And the suggested plot was that Negan was gonna save her from some walkers because I guess she's suddenly defenseless now despite her fancy katana and crossbow, and then they were gonna fall in loooooove. Yikes. The kicker? The person behind this OC was also in her 20s instead of a teen like I had expected with a character like that. As for my own cringe OC - in my defense I was 14 and it was my first ever RP, but here you go. It was based on Medabots which was one of the most popular anime on tv here at the time, alongside shows like Pokemon, Digimon and DBZ. My friends were all big Medabots fans and my character, Melissa, was some kind of... human-medabot hybrid android thing. Like she was kidnapped as a baby and... [i]gasp,[/i] experimented on. She grew up not knowing this happened to her but at some point she found out that she was half Medabot and could switch out every part of her body with every Medapart imaginable, which allowed her to fight like a medabot and access all of their abilities and it made her grossly overpowered. She was also crazy aggressive and violent but somehow never got into real trouble because [i]she was so very special.[/i] She also had a Metabee, which is the equivalent of giving your pokemon trainer OC a Pikachu because that's what the main character has. I really did love writing her though, she was my first OC and I still have all the logs of this 20+ year old RP. It's an amusing read in a hilariously bad way. I was talking to one of the people I wrote that story with a few years ago and we drew up to date redesigns of our characters. We briefly discussed writing a 2.0 version of the story, with a proper plot and sensible adjustments to our characters, but it never happened. Good times lol.