[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 8:10 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][b][color=84B4E2]The Waiting Grove[/color][/b] - Bob Banner was speechless for a moment, hearing what Sparky had told him. He had always wondered what his daughter's life had ended up being like - he had hoped that it would be a good one. He had never imagined though that he might be a grandfather - it did concern him slightly since Lana was still in her early twenties, but his concern was outweighed by the feelings of joy that overcame him. His daughter was alive, safe, and happy - and had a family of her own. "Zarina.... That's a beautiful name," Bob said softly. [color=d86615]"... She is beautiful,"[/color] Raynor said. He missed his daughter. They hadn't intended on being away from her this long - it was supposed to be a quick little assignment, and then they'd be back home to see their bouncing baby girl. He wondered if little Zari could miss them yet - if she knew that her parents were gone. A soft smile was on his face. It was hard to be upset about all the drama and mess when his mind turned to his kid. [hr][b]Flynn - [/b] The woman glanced up from the tools she was sanitizing, allowing Flynn to get a better look of her face. Her skin would remind him of the villain Two-Face from Batman, as she was severely scarred - burn scars. "Agent Flynn, need I remind you that I'm uninterested in any apologies you have today?" she said, turning her focus back to her work and ignoring him. There was a clear tension there, but Flynn wouldn't know why. Everything was hazy and out of focus. He would hear Professor X's voice, strangely echoing from all around him: [i]"Keep going, my boy."[/i] [b]Bonnie - [/b] Bonnie flinched slightly, surprised at James' words - this wasn't how she remembered him. He had [i]never[/i] been this angry. As much as it pained her, it also was calming, centering. Whatever this thing was, it wasn't James. She was inside her mind, she reminded herself. Professor X was helping to divide out the memories that were hers and trap the others away, to help to keep her as her, and not as the Bonnie from this world. [color=f6989d]"You aren't James. I wish you were. But you aren't,"[/color] Bonnie said. She hesitated for a moment, before taking off at a run again - chasing after the owl. She followed the owl into a side room, the door closing behind her. But when she entered, there wasn't an owl there. Instead, there was an [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/heroes-and-villain/images/6/68/Athena.png/revision/latest?cb=20190713225710]elegant woman[/url] with dark hair and bright stormy eyes. She was dressed in a white gown with Greek battle armor; a spear in one hand, a shield embossed with the face of Medusa in the other. "Hello, Bonnie," Athena said. "It is time for you to make a choice." [b]Amelia - [/b] [color=FFB795]"What?? No way! You can't just burn down the Blockbuster video store of my memories!"[/color] Amelia exclaimed, shocked. Yes, she was happy with the life that she had - she was comfortable, happy even as part of the Avengers. She loved being from the Blue, the freedom that she experienced, and the people she was able to help with her powers every day. She wasn't interested in becoming some other person, of remembering some life that just didn't feel like hers. But that didn't mean she wanted to let Captain Marvel destroy it. Sure, Amelia didn't want to be that Amelia - but that Amelia didn't deserve to be destroyed. "Why not?" Captain Marvel asked. "You don't want to remember these, and they're just taking up space. Plus, Blockbuster stores are going to get shut down anyways in the recession, so it's going to happen eventually." Carol's hands began to glow, as she started to melt one of the DVDs - and Amelia acted without thinking, sending a gust of wind at Carol that knocked her off her feet. [b]Cass - [/b] Matt was struggling to free himself from his bonds, as Cass started to fight Ultron. He was making decent progress of it, the cords ensnaring him beginning to wiggle off, his hands would be free soon enough. A sound that would pass for laughter came from Ultron's speakers, as Cass dented his chest plate. "Who [i]are[/i] you then?" Ultron asked. "Mutant? [i]Cop?[/i]" he asked, emphasizing the latter word. Ultron's left arm converted into a blaster cannon, and he charged it up, aiming to send a fatal blast at Cass. But instead, his arm malfuctioned and exploded. The force would throw everyone backwards - Matt, who hit the wall and crumpled, unconscious; Cass, who would fall down the middle of the staircase; and Ultron, who blew himself through a series of walls. Cass hadn't hit the ground yet, but it was soon approaching - she'd need to find a way to grab onto the railing or something to slow her descent. [b]Maria - [/b] [b][i][color=black]"Why should you be the one of us to leave? You left your sister to die. I would never do something like that. I'm the better Maria!"[/color][/i][/b] the other Maria stressed, even as her lifeforce was slipping away from her. The red glow had started to dissipate slightly, whereas Maria was beginning to be a little more tangible again, rather than fading away. The other Maria was continuing though to try to turn the tables, but it wasn't working. She wasn't letting go of Maria though. [b][i][color=black]"If I can't consume you, then I'll do this the old fashioned way,"[/color][/i][/b] the other Maria said, trying to strangle her. [b]Oliver - [/b] In his last moments of life, Thanos smiled at his son. He choked out a single sentence, blood trailing down from his lips, before he fell to the ground at Oliver's feet - "Yes... it is complete." With Thanos' lifeless form at his feet, a change would then overtake Oliver. His clothing would transform into a replica of the Mad Titan's - in his hand, he would suddenly find Thanos' massive blade, wet with blood. If he looked at any reflective surface, he would find his skin cracked and purple - the spitting image of his father. A new Mad Titan to ravage the universe. Silence would ring in Oliver's ears. It would feel like hours had gone by before he heard another voice - that of Professor X. [i]"Oliver, I'm losing you, my boy. You need to fight... remember who you are..."[/i]