[color=C0E6FF][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220809/e9e77689b71a4c66ba9836400d88f4b9.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/kgfsHmq/Utr-Profile-Size.png[/img][color=2E2C2C][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=// INFO][indent][sub][b]P E R S O N A L D E T A I L S[/b][/SUB] [sup] [b]Full Name[/b][COLOR=white] - Utrvangr Wintercrown[/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=white] - 28[/COLOR] [B]Gender[/B][COLOR=white] - Female[/COLOR] [b]Vocation[/b][COLOR=white] - Warden[/COLOR] [b]Nationality[/b][COLOR=white] - Ldrant[/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [hider=// PERSONALITY][indent][SUB][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=C0E6FF][b]Cloud and Storm[/b] [COLOR=white]When foreigners meet Utr, they are pleasantly surprised for the most part. In the burning cold city of Frostknife, they are met not with the warlike nature of much of the country. Rather, they can find refuge with this resident Hunter, calm, balanced and easygoing. But that's just Utr's surface, the top side of her cloud. Beneath it lies the storm. As personable as she seems, as friendly as she acts, as warm as people think she is, she is still a Ldranti at heart. Much of her attitude is a front to keep people around her, as during these troubled time, everyone's better off together. But in battle? Under stress? That facade peels away to reveal the vicious, wild-eyed warrior she is at heart.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=C0E6FF][b]Strike The Prey[/b] [COLOR=white]Hand in hand with the comforting show that she puts on comes Utr's immense patience. She's in no rush to play her hand, whether in combat or in conversation. This conspires with the rest of her character to form her both literally and metaphorically into a vicious, sharklike ambush predator. The only time she tosses this self-control away and lets herself truly cut loose is when fighting side by side with other hunters, standing against the end of the world.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=C0E6FF][b]Inlet Riptide[/b] [COLOR=white]And that place before the end of the world is where she truly belongs. Though she has been referred to as the Flower of Frostknife and she accepts it as it furthers how easy it is for her to get along with people—no sense in overt hostility until they've earned it, after all—she is and always will be a warrior first and foremost. She takes a fierce, bright joy in combat, at showing how skilled she is at it and how razor-keen she's honed her skills over the years.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [hider=// GIFT][indent][SUB][b]G I F T[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=C0E6FF][b]Dragon's Breath[/b] [COLOR=white]A terrible and perfect synchrony of her native hydromancy and the furnace inside of her, Dragon's Breath is a powerful and versatile gift, useful whether on the offensive or defensive, or even for utility. Utr has the unique ability to absorb water all around her directly into her, taking residence in the metaphysical space where magic sleeps. And there it sleeps as her Embersoul blazes all around it. And after it heats, she can expel it from her body—usually her mouth—in a superheated blast of steam that surges forward with force enough to shake stone and cleave hordes asunder, leaving behind a blinding, blazing cloud. As powerful as it is, Dragon's Breath has twin drawbacks that prevent it from being her main vector of combat. The first is the delay. After she takes in water from the world around her, a minute or so needs to pass before her Embersoul has sufficiently heated it. The other is storage space. Utr can only take in enough water to use her Dragon's Breath once, though once she's absorbed it she can hold it indefinitely. Thus she generally uses at the start of fights, leaving behind enough moisture to bring to bear her true method of fighting.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [hider=// EQUIPMENT][indent][SUB][b]E Q U I P M E N T[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=C0E6FF][b]Formless Flow[/b] [COLOR=white]Utr scoffs at the idea of only using one weapon. Why only use one when she has so many? Instead of any kind of solid blade, she is incredibly skilled in one very particular kind of hydromancy, whereby she forces water, whether liquid or gas—though ice escapes her—into solid form and creates vicious blades from the water all around her. These maintain their forms as long as she focuses on them, meaning they can be thrown, but each one increases the strain on her relatively limited pool of magic. She can create most weapons, but tends to prefer a long, graceful scythe. It's the weapon she's most familiar with by far, and the range it gives her is formidable indeed, rendering her a blur of blue and white as she ceaselessly cleaves the Void all around her.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b]Physical Description[/b] [color=white][indent]Slender and short—only an inch or two above five feet and not quite skinny enough to see her ribs, but almost—Advance-Captain of the Midnosian Pyromancer-Knights is not the first thing that comes to peoples' minds when they see Sozaelamine Vaega Aricia. There are people who have asked her whether or not she's playing in her daddy's armor, ignoring the perfect fit, the hand resting on the pommel of the longsword, the confidence in her stance, the hard set of her soft young face, and the glaring judgement that dances behind her brilliant purple eyes. For the most part, she wears her knight's armor; plates of intimidating metal backed by chainmail and fitting like a glove. Done up in gleaming silver-black and chased with bright orange, it truly fits her like a glove. Since her transformation into a hunter, she's foregone the helmet, letting her short, pale gray hair fall freely. She moves with a practiced grace that shows how skilled she is, and how strong. Not a foot out of place, not a move too sloppy, she is extremely invested in being skilled and in [i]showing[/i] how skilled she is. Tein in particular rises and falls like a dancer's ribbon, scything through Voidlings in the dozens, if not hudreds. [/indent][/color] [b]Character Conceptualization[/b] [color=white][indent]There was a silver spoon in Sozaelamine's mouth from the second she was born. The scion of the illustrious Aricia family, she truly was coddled as a child, and through many of her formative years. Her parents spoiled her rotten and she wanted for pretty much nothing at all. Instead she looked over Midema from the balcony of her parents' manor and thought of herself as the master of all she saw. Some years went by and she got slapped in the face with a harsh dose of reality when her parents grew sick of her indolence and kicked her out of their house. Not [i]permanently[/i], but long enough for her to spend some time having a think about who she wanted to be instead of slacking off all day. It was the [i]Void Eclipse[/i], there was no room for people like that in Midnos. In the span of one night, Sozaelamine was catapulted from the highest rung of society down to the lowest level, booted firmly into the dirt of Midema. Her only option was to pull herself out of that dirt (well, it wasn't her [i]only[/i] option, but something inside her refused to let herself creep back to her family in failure). So instead, she did exactly as her parents wanted and started getting her hands dirty. Over the next few years, she worked odd job to odd job and began to value the freedom more than the comfort, and stayed gone. Her muscles grew hard. Her eyes grew sharp. And one day—completely by chance—she happened to run into a woman named Keypiir in all her knight's finery. She saw Keypiir, and was instantly enraptured by this member of the Pyromancer-Knights. And Keypiir, for her part, looked at this young woman—still a girl, really, only barely fifteen—and saw within her the makings of a fine knight. And so that is what she became. Taken underneath Keypiir's wings, she steadily rose through the ranks. As did Keypiir. Ten years hence, she attained the illustrious title of Advance-Captain. Sozaelamine, of course, what thrilled for her. Over the years, the two of them had formed a very close mentor-student relationship. And even something almost sisterly. All that changed during one fateful defense of Galah, a small settlement in the outlying regions of Midnos. The hunters were dispatched elsewhere, and so the Pyromancer-Knights stood before the Void. Too much. Too much. They were overwhelmed quickly, and the end of the world stood before them. All of the Pyromancer-Knights retreated, with the exception of Keypiir, still fighting to evacuate all the villagers, and Sozaelamine, who stood paralyzed looking out at the horror-night. Then Keypiir—strong, brave Keypiir—ran up to her, brandishing a blade in her right hand a flame in her left, and let a small, sad smile show. "Live, Soza. Live." She threw herself forward. Sozaelamine ran. Her next dream was tormented by the images of Keypiir's last moments. She should have been braver. She needed to braver. She needed to be as brave as Keypiir. She needed to [i]be[/i] Keypiir, to show her fortitude and bravery to everyone. She needed to destroy the Void, just as her beloved mentor had tried to do so valiantly that horrible night. And so, Advance-Captain Aricia submitted herself to the ministrations of Queen Ezlineia, and let the flame become her. Let it forge her into a brand against the eternal night, so that one day, she can purge the cloying guilt that clings to her, and make Keypiir proud.[/indent][/color] [b]Other Information[/b] [color=white][indent]TBD [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR]