Dropping my WIP here to work more on later. [b]Name[/b]: Dragon Harkness [b]Age[/b]: Late teen [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Magic[/b]: Dragon is a fairy who specializes in Dark magic. Contrary to the modern belief that dark magic is the root of all things evil in the world, Dragons magic is darkness in its more literal sense. He has the ability to create and manipulate absolute darkness that cannot be penetrated by light, and use it either to form dark constructs or to cloak areas in order to remove others' sense of sight while within said area. The latter is more useful in confined spaces. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://recolor.me/images/outfit/28/837180.png?rev=0[/img] [/hider] [b]Appearance[/b]: Dragon is a tiny Fairy, as the norm suggest. However, he has the ability to grow in size to roughly 5'8" in height if needed. He has a quite lean physique from an active lifestyle, and he carries himself with elegance and poise. As the sun doesn't really shine almost ever in his homeland, he's developed quite pale skin as a result which is sensitive to sunburns. His hair is pale blonde and kept short, and he has friendly bright red eyes. His wings are partially transluscent in places, giving them an ornate look. They are also black at the base which gradually fade out into a prominent red towards the ends. Clothing-wise, Dragon dresses to impress. Considering he is the son of one of the dukes of Transfeyvania, he is held to a certain standard. Said standard consists of formal-looking attire which leaves little room for comfort. His outfits consists mostly of garments ranging from White to Black, or any of the shades between. The fey-folk of Transfeyvania doesn't care much for vibrant colors, and as such they limit them to accent colors instead, to go with the bases. In Dragons case, this shows in his red and black hairclip, as it matches his wings. [b]Personality[/b]: A Bright and friendly guy, Dragon gives off a casual vibe to him which makes it seem like he doesn't have a care in the world. He enjoys listening to others' stories, and never hesitates to lend a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear. Being sociable is part of his duties as a noble, after all. He carries himself with elegance and class, befitting of someone of his background. He values nobility and the role they play in keeping the kingdoms together, and he always speaks up if he sees anyone being mistreated, often using his family name and background as a threat of consequence in order to get people to back off to a varying degree of success. While friendly and nice to pretty much everyone he meets, Dragon really dislikes the stigmatization fairies from Transfeyvania often are met with and will speak up whenever he sees this, at which point he can come across as meanspirited and rude. In spite of that, however, he does work actively to bring down the stigma and mistreatment his people recieve from other fae. [b]History[/b]: Born into a high-ranking noble family in the ever so lovely land of Transfeyvania. His mother is more or less a gloryfied trophy-wife while his father is the duke of the lands, working closely to Transfeyvanias own noble family. As such, Dragon grew up in the lap of luxury, getting everything he ever wanted and more.. His upbringing was filled with etiquette classes and homeschooling from the mansions staff, as his fathers work required him to stay away from home for longer periods of time, making it difficult for the two to bond. This bothered Dragon in the beginning, but as he grew older he started to nuderstand his fathers reasons, and he would occasionally join him in his travels to the capital mostly to look cute in hopes some noble lady would catch his eye. Luckily for his father, one did. The princess of Transfeyvania, in fact. Her name is Anathema LaVey, the two of them would often play together while the adults did all the business stuff, and they eventually grew close enough to develop love for each other. The topic of marriage was eventually brought up, and the king of Transfeyvania accepted the proposal, viewing the Harkness' family as his closest friends within the nobility already. [b]Other[/b]: - Dragon dislikes vibrant colors. - His favorite sweets are the sour kind.