[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zTMTtkV.png[/img][/center] For a moment, it almost seemed too easy. Cleave and maim, rip and tear. Just a moment longer and the reversed ambush would be done with. Atleast, that's what Lupin was sure of. And then, an abrupt stop. The pageless were retreating. The wolf girl was almost tempted to go after them, until all eyes were turned to a new face. A new, regal and dangerous looking face. Their target was drawn out. Now what? Where her fellow magical girls reacted outloud to Roma, be it in curiosity or caution, Lupin remained quiet. Though the sight of the teachers standing in between the strange woman and them earned an unamused look. She could handle herself just fine, thank you. She didn't know who she was, what she's done, or why they were hunting her. But one thing's for sure. If the amount of Pageless behind her in waiting was something to go off of? Lupin eyed Moonlight Tsubasa intently, emitting a low, animalistic growl. The others can go ahead and try the diplomatic approach all they want. But once their target decided against it, she'll be tearing the flesh off her skin with her teeth and keeping that mask as a trophy. For now, she remained near Stripes. Protecting her partner was a priority in her eyes.