[center][b]The IC is officially open for business![/b] Let the villagers rejoice! [img=https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-d-dms0B9Jjk/T4Zes7GgvGI/AAAAAAAAAxg/GwBntVUxcGs/w800-h800/photo.jpg][/center] Sibling Nurses. To save you some trouble (and for plot reasons) I have designed new-arrival teams for Buck and Jean. Each character is assigned to a nurse by name IC, but if you missed yours on the read-through, here’s a list: [hider=Nurse Assignment List][b]Rak/Syblyx:[/b] Your NPC nurse for today is Kyle. Kyle is armed with a high-powered penlight, which is bright enough to temporarily blind most creatures if it were to be shined in their eyes. (You’re technical, you can work out wattages and things if you need to.) ;) Kyle has the goatee. [b]Anya/Oblivion:[/b] Your NPC nurse for today is Farrah. Farrah is pretty well described in the IC: I needed to do some detailing on them to illustrate some points about the Sibling nurses. That being said, you don’t really need to stick to anything I’ve said about her except appearance. [b]Sasha/Elsa:[/b] Your NPC nurse for today is Clara. Like Farrah, she’s detailed in the IC. Same explanation as previous. She is the nurse who is most likely to actually be nice to a new patient. Lucky you. ;) [b]Simone/Pumirya:[/b] Your NPC nurse for today is Tony. Clean shaven, as described in IC. I didn’t give him any powers or anything, but I don’t really have to tell you what to do with him, do I? [b]Aniella/CJayxo(Kalleh):[/b] As previously discussed, your nurse for today is Buck hisself. I will send you more material at some point over the weekend, no later than Sunday. [b]Dante/El_Tigre:[/b] Your NPC nurse for today is Rick. I hinted that he’s a magic-user, somehow, but it’s up to you what method he uses to defend himself should Dante act a fool. (Also, please see the notes below re: your sheet.) [b]Alice/Vampiric:[/b] Your character sheet came in after I’d completed the IC for six patients. I did not craft an NPC nurse for you because it would mean a lot of heavy editing at this point, and I can’t do that without going over my own deadline. Since you’re an Alumni from the original Twisted, I suppose you also know what to do in this instance. Standard asylum wake-up.[/hider] Buck and Jean’s part of the post describes the circumstance under which your character will wake. Those of you on Buck’s team will likely receive a fairly gentle wake-up, considering things to come. Those of you dealing with Jean’s team are more likely to be cursed at, your lights will be flipped on basically at dawn, if you don’t get up you might be poked or pulled out of bed, etc. [b]You will only work with these assigned nurses for today.[/b] They will introduce your character to the surroundings: they will answer general questions about the place’s name, circumstance (that it’s a hospital for supernatural loonies, can accept patients from literally [i]everywhere[/i], etc.), and they will escort your patient around the place throughout the day. They will not tell you very much about the origins of the Institute, what sort of dimension it’s in, any information about the city below, and they will not answer any personal questions about themselves or their history at the asylum. If you’re not sure about something in this sense, please run it by me before posting. When your patient wakes up tomorrow, and for all your use of NPC nurses thereafter, your Sibling's particulars will be up to you. You can use the same one every day, or you can make a new one for each morning. Whatever floats your boat. Cadence’s part of the post is intended to show the sort of wake-up your patient will be having in two or three days. Your first post should be on par with her timeline, and should end with your patient in the cafeteria between six and eight-thirty AM. Jean’s patients, having received a rude wake-up, will likely run earlier than Buck’s. The cafeteria will be your first chance to interact with other patients. After showing the way to the steam lines, nurses will watch you from a distance, and only intervene if they think that shit is about to hit the fan. Cadie and Jax are also intended to show you something. Can you see it? [b]Edit:[/b] One more thing I forgot: the cafeteria has [i]whatever[/i] food your patient needs. There is one steam line for patients like Jax and Cadie, who eat food which is generally considered not disgusting. There is a separate steam line for patients who eat live food, raw meat, blood, anything generally considered disgusting. (For instance; Buck, Simone, and Nell would probably eat from the 'gross' line, if they ate at all. Not sure about Rak and Anya. Dante, Sasha, and Alice would probably eat from the 'not gross' line.) Now, on to a few other issues. [b]@ Vampiric:[/b] Alice is approved. If she lashes out too badly, there’s a vicious collar in her future. With bells that sound like screams, and vibrations that make her head feel like it’s gonna explode if she tries to use any of her powers. Don’t make me do it. ;) [b]@ El_Tigre:[/b] As I am writing this, you haven’t finished your sheet. I could be a b*tch and tell you that I did two patient sheets in one day, and everyone else got theirs turned in. But since you came to the thread a little late, and since you went ahead and helped me out with gender equality, and since I’m a little familiar with your capabilities as a writer, I will give you until Sunday night to finish Dante. You also may not post to the IC until your CS has been finished and approved. (I feel like I’m being too stern and not stern enough. What? See also: I'll PM you.) I have already posted the IC and the Plot Disclosure update regarding the Sibling Nurses. I should be lurking around all night to answer any questions you may have. I apologize for all the reading, and can only promise you that once we get in to full-swing posting everything will be shorter. >.<