She bit her lip as she heard him speak of the exit party she had coming after her. Of course they chased her down. Hunter wanted her to himself. Always had. No one was able to touch her except for him. She was thankful that for some reason or another, his attempts never turned her into an incubator. Then there was the knowledge she had. Most slaves overheard the minor weaknesses. She knew all of them, including Hunter's personal ones. She was a huge security risk if she survived the escape. Snapping back from her thoughts as something landed on the bed beside her. She gave him a weak smile, thankful for something to eat and drink. "I have no caps to give you if you would charge me. I just have learned early on to not go into someone's rucksack, even if invited to. Those that invite me to, tend to accuse me of stealing and demand my head. Those that didn't invite me, threatened my hand or head. So it's just safer to stay out." She sipped from the canteen. She wad a bit surprised to find it not as bitter as the radiated water she normally had access too. "I just need to get away. I don't care where. Anywhere close and they will find me. Hunter will be looking for me personally. I know far too much about him and his crew, including the base. He would rather a bullet between the eyes than to let me live free. Of course, he'd prefer if I just stayed put and never had an independent thought of my own." She shrugged before tearing a beef jerky apart.