[hider=Frementor, The Black] [quote] [color=white] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/0156d00e-7f44-419d-a703-5abb6bcec846/dbi4ilv-f0dd48e3-f835-4b40-96f1-0753f9e6354f.png/v1/fill/w_1280,h_601,strp/dragon_azrael_by_irenbee_dbi4ilv-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjAxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDE1NmQwMGUtN2Y0NC00MTlkLWE3MDMtNWFiYjZiY2VjODQ2XC9kYmk0aWx2LWYwZGQ0OGUzLWY4MzUtNGI0MC05NmYxLTA3NTNmOWU2MzU0Zi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.zYFKR99QkN59OKV70PS_4AKtiMppaCpEJsOpBO9QEnU[/img] [sub][h3][b]Frementor[/b][/h3][/sub] [center] [sub] Male Young Western Dragon [/sub] [/center] [sub][i]"This world plays by different rules than the one we used to know. We must do the same lest we stagnate and die, regardless of how ruthless or cunning we become. For in the game of natural selection only the fittest survive."[/i][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [sub][h3]Starting Continent[/h3] [b]Andor:[/b] Andor is the largest continent. Home to humanoid races such as humans, elves, dwarfs, gnomes, goblins, orcs, centaurs, dryads, and fairies. The land of Andor is littered with forests, lakes, mountains, and rolling hills. In many ways, it's similar to medieval Europe. There are lots of monsters that terrorize the humanoid races of Andor. The humanoids have found that it's much more effective to combat monsters with small bands of specialized monster hunters rather than attacking them with large armies. This has led them to create monster hunter guilds that deal with the monsters. While the monster hunters deal with monstrous threats, the soldiers of the different kingdoms deal with humanoid threats. Unless of course a big dragon attacks, then every man and woman who can bear arms is called upon. Dragons are hated and despised in Andor because they are the most dangerous of all monsters. Young dragons are actively hunted by the many monster hunter guilds that reside here. Some dragons are enslaved by powerful spellcasters. But keeping an enslaved dragon as a familiar is extremely dangerous, as dragons almost always tend to break free from such spells. Andor is split into two landmasses, Anduvia and Cendor. Anduvia is the northern region of Andor. Cendor is the southern part of Andor. In Anduvia any non-humans are enslaved and referred to as half-monsters or demi-humans. Magic is also banned. The reason for this is their worship of Andea. While they don't have any mages, they have powerful warrior priests. In Cendor on the other hand non-humans are mostly treated as equals and magic is highly valued because of its power. [h3]Species[/h3] [b]Western Dragon (Gain Wings [Tier 1] and Scales [Tier 2]):[/b] Western Dragons are the most iconic species of dragon in Andor. They are famous not only for their hard scales, but also their greed, ruthlessness, and aggression. They tend to raid humanoid settlements to steal their treasures and add them to their hoard. The most powerful Wester Dragons have more treasures than the richest of kings. [h3]Size[/h3] [b]Enormous:[/b] A dragon of this size is an absolute force of nature. Enormous dragons can be anywhere between the size of a small castle to a large castle. Extremely few land-living dragons grow this large and those who do will undoubtedly have their names go down in legend. [h3]Color[/h3] [b]Black (Gain Acid Breath [Tier 1] or Energy Breath [Tier 1]):[/b] Black Dragons prefer to live in desolate places like swamps, badlands, and wastelands. They are infamous for being vicious, greedy, malicious, sadistic, and power-hungry. Despite their sinister personality traits they are often visited by ambitious or desperate humanoids. This is because out of all dragons Black Dragons are the most likely to form pacts or make deals with humanoids. [h3]Breath Attack[/h3] [b][u]Acid Breath[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You can breathe acid. The corrosion of your acid will mostly inflict superficial damage to your victims. Your acid is more effective against inorganic material. Its true value lies in its ability to dull weapons and break down armor. However this process isn't instant, it will take some time for the corrosion to kick in after you apply the acid. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your acid is more potent. The strongest magical weapons and armor will fare no better than regular weapons and armor against your acid. The corrosion of your acid will also be faster. [b]Tier 3:[/b] Your acid breath will instantly melt any inorganic material it comes into contact with. [b][u]Poison Breath[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You can breathe poisonous gas. Anyone who breathes in your gas will become poisoned. Their health will rapidly deteriorate and after 30 minutes they will die without magical treatment of a similar tier as this breath attack. Additionally, you are immune to the effects of your own poison. Your poison breath can be avoided if the target is careful and holds their breath during this breath attack. This breath attack can also be countered by wind magic. [b]Tier 2:[/b] The poisonous gas you breathe won't disperse so easily. It will cling to the battlefield like a poisonous mist and linger for a good while. [b]Tier 3:[/b] The toxicity of your poisonous breath is extremely potent. It will take only 1 minute for it to kill. [h3]Features[/h3] [b][u]Muscles[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] Your muscles are well-developed. You are physically stronger than the average dragon and creature of your size class. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your musculature is impressive and beyond the majority of dragons of your size class. When it comes to brute force you are vastly superior to the other dragons and creatures that are of the same size class. [b][u]Scales[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] Your scales are as hard as steel. While your scales offer excellent protection against piercing and slashing attacks, they are less effective against bludgeoning attacks. Your scales will absorb some of the impacts of bludgeoning attacks, but most of the force will go through. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your scales are now as hard as mithril. Only the strongest weapons and attacks can pierce or cut through your scales. [b][u]Wings[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1 (Gain Flight [Tier 1]):[/b] You have wings and are able to fly. Taking off from the ground is rather slow and requires some effort. Initiating a flight will leave you vulnerable for a brief moment. It would be easier for you to jump off a cliff or some other high place in order to take to the skies. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your wings are much stronger than the average dragon's wings. You can quickly and efficiently take off from the ground. [b]Tier 3:[/b] Your wings are some of the strongest wings seen among dragonkind. With the flap of your wings, you can create powerful gusts of wind that can deflect projectiles like arrows, throwing knives, javelins, and crossbow bolts. [b][u]Jaws[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] Your fangs are hard as steel. While a biting attack is the attack with the shortest range a dragon can make, it is also one of the deadliest attacks if it connects. Capable of piercing skin, rending flesh, and crushing bone. Biting attacks are best used against powerful enemies, as it's often not worth the effort to bite weak enemies when you could have used your claws or tail which are generally faster and have a longer reach. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your fangs are as hard as mithril and your bite even stronger. [b][u]Claws[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You've got claws as hard as steel. Your claws can slash and pierce through most natural armor such as thick leather, hide, carapaces and scales. Claw attacks have a lot longer reach than bite attacks and are great for close quarters combat, grappling, and aerial combat. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your claws are as hard as mithril. Now your claws have no problem cutting through and piercing most metal armors. [b][u]Tail[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] Your tail is prehensile. It can grab and manipulate objects. It can also be used during grappling to choke, grab, hold, and restrain your enemies. [b]Tier 2:[/b] The bone structure of your tail is robust and strong. It can withstand heavy impacts and be used as a weapon. A tail attack is the melee attack with the longest reach that a dragon can make. Tail attacks are especially useful against multiple smaller opponents or a single similar-sized enemy. [b][u]Horns[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You have horns that are as hard as steel. Your skull is also reinforced to withstand heavy impacts. The horns can look however you want. Forward and upward-pointing horns are better for charging enemies and for headbutts. While backward-pointing horns are great for stabbing attacks during grappling and as a defense against neck bites. Charge attacks are devastating and work very well as opening attacks during aerial, land, and underwater combat. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your horns are as hard as mithril. [b][u]Spikes[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You have spikes growing on your body. These spikes are as hard as steel. Your spikes are a great defense against large enemies like monsters and dragons. If they try to bite, tackle, grapple, or maul you, they will risk getting impaled by your spikes. Of course, they could always aim for the parts of your body that aren't covered in spikes. But then you won't have to protect your entire body, making it easier to predict their attacks. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your spikes are as hard as mithril. [b][u]Roar[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] Your roar is really loud. It can easily scare away creatures of a smaller size class than you. Your roar is less effective against intelligent creatures like humanoids. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your roar is terrifying. It can now scare away creatures of a similar size class as yours. Even intelligent creatures will cower before your fear-inducing roar. [b][u]Venom[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You have venom glands connected to either your fangs or your stinger (requires Tail [Tier 3]). Your venom will exhaust your victims, mess with their sense of balance and make them nauseous. Your venom can only be cured by Spells of a similar tier as your venom. You're immune to your own venom. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Your venom is more powerful. It can now paralyze any creature of up to 2 sizes bigger than your own, but your venom is now slow-acting and will take 30 minutes to work. You can speed up the process by injecting your enemy with more venom. [b]Tier 3:[/b] Your venom is extremely dangerous and fast-acting. Taking only a few minutes to kill its victims. [b][u]Senses[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1 x5:[/b] Choose 1 sense (Smell, Touch, Sight, Hearing, or Taste). Your chosen sense is equal to the best humanity has ever produced. You may purchase this feature multiple times, choosing a new sense each time. [b]Tier 2 (Smell/Touch/Taste/Hearing/Sight):[/b] Your chosen sense is equal to the best the animal kingdom has to offer. [b]Tier 3 (Sight):[/b] Your chosen sense is enhanced to the point of being supernatural. For example, if you choose sight you will be able to switch between different vision modes like infrared vision, telescopic vision, x-ray vision, and night vision. You would also be able to see through visual illusions. [b][u]Regeneration[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You can regrow lost limbs and you don't scar. Most of your wounds will heal within a day. Injuries caused by acid or fire will take twice as long to heal. Regeneration will slow down poisons and venoms, but it won't make you immune to them. [b]Tier 2:[/b] Most of your injuries will heal within 1 hour. It is impossible for you to lose consciousness or die due to blood loss. It is also possible for you to bleed yourself in order to cleanse your body of Tier 1 venoms. [b][u]Elemental Resistance[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1 x2 (Poison/Venom/Acid):[/b] Choose 1 element (Heat, Cold, Poison/Venom, Acid, Wind, or Lightning). You are now able to survive and thrive in environments where your chosen element is dominant. For example, heat would allow you to live in deserts, jungles, or volcanic landscapes. You may purchase this feature multiple times, choosing a new element each time. [b]Tier 2:[/b] You are completely immune to any kind of damage from your chosen element. [b]Tier 3:[/b] When you are exposed to your chosen element you will be healed proportionally to the intensity of the exposure. [b][u]Flight[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You are able to fly. However, you're not very graceful or fast in the air. [b]Tier 2:[/b] You are much faster and more agile during flight. You can outmaneuver and run circles around most flying creatures of your own size and any size class beyond. War machines like ballistae and catapults will have a much harder time hitting you. [b][u]Crawling[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] Most dragons are rather slow and clumsy on the ground. Unlike most dragons, you are a fast runner. You can match the speed of creatures of similar size that are considered fast. This will make hunting for food or running away from a threat easier. [b][u]Brain[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] You learn things twice as fast and your long-term memory is improved significantly. [b]Tier 2:[/b] You are able to process information faster and have a perfect memory. You can recall any memory you have in perfect detail. While concentrating you can even enter a state of mind to relive your memories. [b][u]Lungs[/u][/b] [b]Tier 1:[/b] By default, you would be able to hold your breath for about 30 seconds while doing a physically demanding activity. With this, you can safely hold your breath for up to 2 minutes while doing a physically demanding activity like fighting. This might not seem very useful, but being able to hold your breath in high-altitude aerial battles, fights against dragons with poison breath, or underwater battles can make a huge difference in the outcome of the battle. [b]Tier 2:[/b] You can now safely hold your breath for up to 30 minutes while performing a physically demanding activity. [b]Tier 3:[/b] Your lung capacity is extremely vast. You are able to safely hold your breath for up to 1 hour while doing a physically exhausting activity. [h3]Rare Features[/h3] [b]Fusion Breath:[/b] You can now purchase a second breath attack. Your breath attack will now become a fusion of your first and second breath attack. All tiers of the breath attacks that are associated with your chosen color will cost 1 less Ur-Ember for your second breath attack. [b]Enduring Features:[/b] Normally any feature of a dragon that is severed from its body would lose its supernatural hardness. Your features, however, only lose 1 tier worth of hardness, and they can be used to create high-quality weapons and armor. [b]Humanoid Hands:[/b] Instead of front legs, you have hands similar to that of a humanoid. With your added finger dexterity and opposable thumbs, you will be able to wield weapons in combat. [b]Acid Blood:[/b] The blood that runs through your veins is highly acidic. It is very effective against inorganic material and less effective against organic material. Your acidic blood offers an offensive defense against slashing and piercing attacks. [b]Adrenal Glands:[/b] You can make your adrenal glands secrete powerful chemicals into your bloodstream that will temporarily boost your physical abilities. This will vastly improve your strength, speed, and reflexes. It will also suppress pain and increase your ferocity, aggression, and bloodlust. You will feel exhausted after this burst of strength. [b]Reincarnation:[/b] This rare feature is only available to Greater Dragons, dragons that are born from a Dragonfall. Your soul and mind will be immortal and persist even after you die. While dead you will be unconscious. But you will be revived using some of the mystical energies that are released into the world during the next Dragonfall. [h3]Diet[/h3] [b]Meat:[/b] Feeding on the meat from mammals, reptiles, and binds is what the majority of dragons do. It's what people expect a dragon to do. And for good reason, as mammals, reptiles, and birds are abundant. From the smallest of rats to the biggest basilisk, there is always prey to be found no matter the dragon's size. [b]Sea Creatures:[/b] Feeding on fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic creatures is common among dragons below medium size. Fish is both easy to catch and find. Some of the largest dragons feed on this category. In the depths of the oceans there are plenty of sea creatures of varying sizes. [h3]Drawbacks[/h3] [b]Hoarder:[/b] You feel a strong desire to collect and hoard treasures. Treasure is defined as anything you perceive as valuable. Be it gold, precious stones, legendary artifacts, magical tomes, or beautiful women. To part with any item of your hoard is almost unthinkable to you. [b]Leaking Breath:[/b] Whenever you breathe you will exhale a tiny amount of your breath attack. Your leaking breath will reduce your daily limit of breath attacks by 1 breath attack. But more importantly, it will reveal the nature of your breath attacks and your breath will stop leaking whenever you have used up your daily breath attacks. [h3]Spells[/h3] N/A. [h3]Companions[/h3] Auron, The Flame Eater. [/sub] [/color] [/quote] [/hider]