[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/a7d1c6d0d75b0b6a37dd245ba3f48f99.png[/img][hr][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr] Lance wasn't too sure on what to think with regards to everything in general, or who the others were in general. He just sort of nodded his head over what it was that Ed was saying, not even sure what he was talking about, however he seemingly relaxed after Ed tried to heal him or something like that. Now, he wasn't entirely sure why, but he felt like he could trust those he was with currently. Even though there was a part of his mind saying no, that he shouldn't, but something made him think that he should. Looking at Runa when she had spoken, now she would see for a brief second a flicker of recognition, and it was still seemingly there, for the moment anyway. [color=yellow]"Yeah, sure, I know my way around here, the lab is down this way and it'll likely have some of the things that we might find useful,"[/color] he said with a slight smile, before heading down a different direction from where the others are. It took a moment for JARVIS to wake up after the reboot, it would be a bit obvious to Guin that it didn't seem like the tower had too much power, probably got shut down when the building got abandoned or something. There was still a bit of static to JARVIS's voice, but at least now he was audible. [i]"Hello Ms. Stark,"[/i] came the familiar voice. [i]"Stark Tower has been abandoned for several years after you were kidnapped by the Brotherhood the remaining Avengers left after a year. Though it was also left alone aside from a few of the Avengers after your father's death. After he died, no one bothered to work on the repairs to the tower. All that was done was enough to ensure that the structure would not collapse."[/i] [color=7ea7d8]"Huh, well that's fun to know..."[/color] Pietro commenting, having followed Guin over. [i]"The Tower officially has been empty and ignored for 6 years. My systems are currently running on what remains of the backup power, which unfortunately will likely not last for too long."[/i] he then added. [color=007236]"So guess it sounds like we likely won't have anyone bothering us here... Well more of here's hoping to that really. But if it's been abandoned for that long, honestly a bit surprised the building didn't get torn down or something like that. Though guess in a way it probably would be considered a bit of a memorial or something like that maybe?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"I mean yeah, if no ones been here for 6 years, probably going to be ignore. But at least that will somewhat be a nice thing maybe..."[/color] [color=007236]"Still probably shouldn't be here for too long though, since knowing our luck, cops or something will come knocking on our door, and considering the fact that most everyone here, their counterparts aren't exactly the best people around... Probably best to avoid that..."[/color] Mary walked over to where Ed and Runa were, wondering a bit about what was going on with them, not to mention Ed had wanted to talk about something, [color=007236]"Something wrong?"[/color] she asked them. [color=007236]"Ed, something tells me we might as well talk now, or whatever, since who knows when more chaos or all hell breaking loose might happen again for us..."[/color] Over where Bethany was, Klara looked at Bethany when she asked about opening the door, and she shrugged a bit, before walking over to the door. [color=FF17F2]"Well then, this will be fun,"[/color] she commented, before she slammed her fist against the door, there was a loud crack as the lock on the door and the doorknob broke, and the door swung silently open, showing what looked to be a bedroom of sorts. The thing that was a bit obvious, was that the room was what looked to be a bedroom. It wasn't Guin's or something that was for sure, however, but based on the appearances, it looked like it belong to Tony Stark. [color=FF17F2]"Doubt we'll find anything helpful here unless you want to do some snooping around or whatever,"[/color] Klara commented, the room had a sort of musty sort of smell, like it had been shut up longer then the main part of the tower.