I'm doing a thing I said I'd do when the prior incarnation of this RP was pointed out to me years ago and making a no thoughts, head empty sword boy to join [@HereComesTheSnow]. Gotta introduce a bit of Fiore to counteract all this Liechtenauer. [hider=Fionn] [center][img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_center,h_675,pg_1,q_80,w_1200/9150f4ee8b9390e1bb2420593074e496.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Fionn MacKerracher [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: Mid Twenties [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [u][b]Race[/b][/u]: Human [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: Standing slightly shorter than average at 5'9", shrouded within one of the heavy cloaks he often wears Fionn can almost manage to slip beneath observation—were it not for the distinctively good shape he keeps himself in, the result of years of hard work when younger and yet more of battle as he passed into full adulthood, encouraged by an appreciation for keeping himself fighting fit. Below the cloak, more scars become evident, though the exact provenance of each—work, misadventure, or true battle—can't always be ascertained. Beneath the scratches is clear evidence of his line of work; while he remains relatively lithe, the definition of his forearms and back, his thick core, and equally prominent leg muscles all point towards one who has put in a great deal of practice in swordplay and other fighting pursuits, as could be expected of any knight. His piercing yellow-green eyes set within an angular, slightly-scarred face reveal a clear youthfulness that the rest of his features belie, though before his induction to the Order of the Iron Rose he managed quite well at using his deceptive features to his benefit. His facial hair itself is a clear distinction, kept hard-lined as an affectation. His hair is styled in a glib cut, short on the back and sides and longer on top, though since his raise to knighthood he has taken to keeping it styled up and out of his eyes, rather than allowing the bangs to hang low over his face as he did before. Why, exactly, he has made that change is unknown, although most likely it has something to do with whatever he considers to be "looking properly presentable, for a knight." His casual wear is a fairly simple tunic and trowsers, belted around the waist with sword and dagger, and with soft leather shoes and some form of patterned cloak to throw over top should inclement weather come into play. [url=https://weaponsandwarfare.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/b5b5a24adc6bbb2e63f4789dcc73e706.jpg]He wears something fairly similar in battle, simply adding a helmet, some armour plates for his extremeties, and a coat of maille beneath the cloak.[/url] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: In contrast to his size, Fionn certainly possesses what could be called a "larger than life" sort of personality. This isn't to say that he is always loud, outgoing, or the like, but that he is a man of extremes. If he is [i]angry,[/i] it is more likely to present as a tide of wrath he is struggling to hold back and control for fear of indirectly causing harm to his comrades. If he is happy, then he is a fount of joy, wishing to spread and share it with everybody who crosses his path. Before joining the Iron Rose Knights he was known not just for these extremes but for having a very mercurial sort of temper, though it seems, for the time being, that he has managed to exert some level of self-control in that respect—or at least in how he shows it. Those extremes of his temperament extend as well to his service and his comrades. He is deeply devoted to the Moon Goddess Mayon, as well as his mission under Her guidance, something that might seem truly remarkable given that he is a fairly recent convert to Her service. As well, he is very caring towards those he is called to serve and protect, as well as to his comrades in general, nearly always willing to lend a hand to their aid or ensure they are well taken care of if they haven't the means themselves (assuming, of course, he hasn't lost his wallet himself, either as a spendthrift fond of fine food and drink or unwisely donating everythign in his pocket at a moment's notice to someone more in need than himself). However, this may come at odds to the true needs of some around him, depending on whether or not he ever notices; while he is aware that battle can wear on any person's mind and mood, he rarely remembers to take such a thing into account, as he has a possibly-unhealthy fondness for tests of arms and, as it might be put, the fulfilling of his duties. Battle, of course, being the only field in which his wide-ranging personality narrows down into a singular, careful focus, dedicated to nothing but success. [u][b]Brief Backstory[/b][/u]: Hailing from the base of the mountains in Velt, Fion MacKerracher was raised on a plot of farmland that had originally been bought by his great-grandfather, who once served as a mercenary in the past and made quite a large purse doing so. While the elder Fearchar and the first generations of his descendants were content to leave war behind, Fionn was always a bit too hot-blooded for his family to easily handle, and stories of his great-grandfather's escapades lodged firmly in his mind from when he was a boy. So it was, that on the barest cusp of young adulthood, a fifteen year old Fionn gathered up some few possessions and set away from his home, joining first with a group of traders that traveled by boat up and down the Nirinel. This set the stage for some few years of hard work, and more than a few misadventures; it was with them that Fionn was embroiled in his first fight, primarily as some show of boatman bravado, though that set his path from that point on. It was fitting, then, that as he saved up his money to purchase his first sword, one similar to that that still hangs over his family's fireplace, his first hire as a young mercenary was to continue guarding this group of traders as they travelled, and especially as they began to expand to some more land-based trade. Unfortunately for them—and likely himself and everybody else—Fionn's heart was set on more adventure, to climb to bigger and better things. He terminated his employment with the traders, heading southeast to seek out work on a true battlefield. Signing with a smaller mercenary company beyond the borders, he made some name for himself fighting on the outskirts of the Red Flag War, although he never found his way to the heart of the conflict like his thirst for contest and battle constantly set his mind towards. It was during this time that he finally took steps to become a full member of the Church of Mayon, as before his family (and himself included) had only paid lip service to the Godesses at best. Spurred on by some sort of experience he had on one battlefield, he devoted himself to Mayon, zealously working to safeguard his comrades and trying to earn himself the right to wield a greatsword on the field, to act as a personal guard to those who ensured the careful planning that saw the others in the company protected in turn. While he never did manage that before the war's end, in its aftermath, his fervor in both battle and worship was noticed, and he was given the offer to join the Order of the Iron Rose. With the possibility to both serve his chosen goddess and earn honour for himself, he rapidly accepted, swearing his vows and being inducted was one of the most junior knights of the order. [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: Fionn's primary weapon is a [url=https://www.albion-swords.com/images/swords/albion/nextGen/gallowglass/gallowglass-1a.jpg]curiously-designed longsword[/url], 1.2 meters in length from pommel to tip, with a prominent, deceptively-weighty ring pommel and a spatulated guard. He also carries a 30 centimeter rondel dagger, and a smaller utility knife for various needs. His armour is of an atypical design, as other than certain plates over his extremities, he primarily wears maille with padding underneath, and a distinctive, open-faced burgonet, lacking in crest but with a very prominent fixed peak in the front. [u][b]Skills[/b][/u]: Fionn is dedicated to the arts of swordplay and battle, practicing or exercising at nearly any moment available. Though he is not a master by any means—he is, after all, still a young man, and only recently raised to the knighthood at that—he has demonstrated himself to be quite adept, with a style that is well focused on economy of movement and certain deceptive or outright tricky maneuvers to get around an opponent's blade or cause them to drop their guard entirely; similar, though recognizably different, to styles that are more common in Thaln, as Fionn's is notably less outright offensive compared to what might normally be found practiced among some of the Iron Rose Knights. [/hider] Things aren't all as brief as may have been intended, and I'm happy to edit things as needed to make this work for the RP.