"I have no caps to give you if you would charge me. I just have learned early on to not go into someone's rucksack, even if invited to. Those that invite me to, tend to accuse me of stealing and demand my head. Those that didn't invite me, threatened my hand or head. So it's just safer to stay out." She sipped from the canteen. "Sheesh, fair enough," replied Isaac. He supposed he couldn't be surprised. It only made sense that the savages would be turning on eachother when given the chance. "Not much in the way of trust and friendship as a raider, huh." "I just need to get away. I don't care where. Anywhere close and they will find me. Hunter will be looking for me personally. I know far too much about him and his crew, including the base..." The young man perked up at this point, a twinkle in his eyes, the wheels in head turning. He damn-near missed the rest of what she was saying. [i]So, the girl's got some secrets about the Diamond Backs,[/i] he thought to himself. This raider gang was a big player on the eastside of New York. Quite the terror. If they could be brought down... [i]Hmmmm.[/i] "Well, we'll head out at first light," he told her. No use in talking about it now. They would have time. "For now, try and get some rest." After they finished their snacks, Isaac put out the three oil lamps, then got back comfortable at the window. An hour passed in relative quiet. Aside from two cats skulking past, there was no activity outside. Isaac periodically rubbed his eyes to stay sharp. Taking a watch was boring as hell. Time passed slower than molasses. But a boring watch was better than the alternative. And, little did Isaac know, that alternative was on it's way. Somewhere, far in the distance, Isaac heard the sad howl of a wolf...............