[hider=Aldion, King of Hell] [color=9e0b0f][center][h1][b][u]Aldion[/u][/b][/h1] [h3][b]The King of Hell[/b][/h3][/center][/color] [color=9e0b0f][b]Base Form:[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PMDbLM4.png[/img] Aldion's form is fairly simple; a man with red skin and glowing eyes, with a pair of horns that can vary in size and shape. His height itself also varies, depending on how imposing he wishes to be. He usually wears black. He emits a natural aura of authority and command, and at its full force mortals will find themselves feeling compelled to kneel upon witnessing him. His favoured weapon is a one-handed warhammer with a flaming head. He also carries a magical tome of laws, ledgers, and contracts. [color=9e0b0f][b]Aspect:[/b][/color] Hell. As the God of Hell, Aldion holds domain over the Souls of the Damned. The 'damned' referring to souls who have committed some grave sin within their lifetime. Aldion holds power over such souls, and he uses this power to draw them to his realm. There, they are subject to intense and agonizing torture as a form of attonement, stripping them of their memories and much of their personality, while instilling them with discipline and unbreakable loyalty to their new master. In this excruciating process, the majority of souls are destroyed outright, after years or even decades of searing pain. If the soul survives, however, then it is instead reborn as a demon - one of Aldion's infernal servants. These demons guard his realm against those who would steal from it, and serve as his agents on Galbar. They are often cruel and wicked by nature, for while their evil nature has been tempered by discipline, they are nonetheless evil. Some secretly seek to test mortals; tempting them down paths of damnation, to bring more souls to their master. Others are more honest and businesslike - making contracts and bargains, offering power or services in exchange for the soul of the signer or some other heavy cost, often hidden behind a loophole. Damnation must be willing, although Aldion's definition of 'willing' is quite flexible. [color=9e0b0f][b]Persona:[/b][/color] Aldion does not consider himself to be an evil god. In his eyes, the task he performs is a grim, but necessary one. Mortals must be held accountable for their crimes in the afterlife, else there will be no incentive to steer them toward good. At the same time, he would never consider himself to be a good deity. No. He is a lawful one, viewing himself as a keeper of laws and an enactor of retribution. He tests the mortals, and punishes them when they stumble. Sometimes he will even offer aid to mortals, although he rarely gives out such gifts for free. Aldion also harbours a strong respect for oaths and contracts, to the point where his demons are mentally incapable of knowingly violating any verbal agreement to which they have sworn their word, or any written agreement to which they have applied their signature. However, although all contracts and oaths must be honoured, not all contracts and oaths must be in good faith. As a result, when offering deals to mortals they will usually try to include all sorts of loopholes and overly specific turns of phrases. Of course, as a result of all this, both Aldion and his demons are naturally wary toward any oaths and contracts they did not design themselves. There are many acts which Aldion considers to be sinful. Oathbreaking, whether it be by violating a sworn spoken oath or by breaching a sign contract, is one of the worst, even if the oath or contract in question is unfavourable or if the person had good reasons for breaking it - the only way to exempt yourself from judgement is if the contract has a clause allowing it to be broken under the right circumstances. If not, then breaking any significant oath or contract can damn you, whether it be reneging on a business deal, cheating on a spouse, or rising in a rebellion against a liege you have sworn loyalty to. Although it must be noted that Aldion does not consider contracts or oaths sworn by children to be valid. Heresy is another grave offense. Particularly, those who knowingly spread heresy. Aldion defines heresy as spreading slander or misinformation about the gods, falsely claiming to represent the gods, or as openly rejecting and defying the gods (rejecting or defying a particular god is alright, but not gods as a concept.) Of course the heresy must be knowing: someone who is raised with incorrect beliefs and is never given reason to doubt said beliefs will likely be spared Aldion's judgement. For someone who lacks such an excuse, however... Aldion will seek to claim their soul. Most serious crimes are also enough to damn one's soul to hell. Murder, theft, cannibalism, treason, and perjury, to name a few. Any souls that have been stained by such offenses will be naturally drawn toward the fires of Hell. [color=9e0b0f][b]Musical Theme:[/b][/color] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqXcYOSqavs [/hider]