[center][h2]The Best Worst Kept Secret[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o3obLMA.jpg[/img] [/center] OOC: Cal Strand appears courtesy of [@wanderingwolf]. To say that Yuri was surprised at the revelation would be an understatement. It was now becoming clear that Sam was on track to becoming the worst kept secret on the boat. “I’m sorry,” he spoke up. “Tommy Pearson, meet S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A, our resident AI. Sam, Tommy,” the first mate concluded. “Very like to be our new pilot. Sam’s okay,” he offered a conspiratorial grin. “We’re slowly getting her wired into ships’ systems, but there’s about four generations of interfacing we’ve got to account for…so don’t fret. She’ll replace my job before she replaces yours,” he tossed a crooked smile toward Sam’s optical pickup. Though hoping the jape would reap the fruits of the system’s developing penchant for wit, Yuri instead heard the Captain’s summons. “One arm…meet me in the cargo bay. We got business in town.” The mate rose to his feet, a hand outstretched to clutch at the dangling intercom mic. “On my way,” he answered. Having made an artful sorting of Tommy’s paper records for easy capture by Sam, he addressed the pilot. “You passed my muster,” Yuri said to the newcomer. “Once you pass the ‘Sam’ test, you’re in. Now, SAMANTHA,” he said, “when you’re satisfied, kindly direct Mr. Pearson to his quarters…the cabin our former pilot used. I conjure she left it sparkling,” The order given, he regarded the new aviator. “Welcome aboard the China Doll,” Yuri offered his hand. As the two men shook, he said, “I’ll look you up when I’m finished with the captain.”