"Micha won't have any pull soon," He said grimly. He didn't want to throw the conversation away from the snark they both so enjoyed, but it was something he still couldn't quite come to terms with. Granted, his life was still very strange to him, and he hadn't really stopped to consider it. The military runaway of a high noble family found himself usurping his superior, launching the first shots in an extrasystem war, crawling on the ground in an enemy ship with his ex-girlfriend who happened to be his second. At her request, he gave a "Yeah, sure" and went to the door, preparing to open it with his crowbar in case there were any problems with the inner latch, but something up there smiled on them, and it slid open without a problem. Sabatine marched out of the hatch, and Kaiden placed his hands around the console she carried. "Let me." "I've got it," she insisted, not irritably, but he could tell she wasn't going to take no for an answer unless it was explicitly said to be an order. "You are probably the only one that could pull this shit with me," He told her, shaking his head in his suit. The air-tight suit hardly budged with any movement except the wide movement of their arms or the broad strides of their legs, but it was surprisingly how much one could glean from the tone of your voice. "I'll keep watch." "Well since we're being less formal, I let you get away with more than your fair share before we worked together. Old Baile-" "We will not talk about that," He said, but it wasn't so much as forbidding as embarrassment. Sabatine laughed, and Kaiden couldn't help but chuckle breathlessly, even if he didn't want anyone in a hundred kilometers to hear that story. It involved Kaiden getting blind drunk and skinny dipping in the pool of a Rear Admiral nicknamed Old Bailey. Sabatine had done some fancy maneuvering that night to save Kaiden's ass from a scandal. She had always said he had sufficiently paid her back by sweet talking a few aides to help get her in the right places to get the ears of the right supervisors, and there had been that midshipman Kaiden had ostracized that had tried to get her thrown out when she had rejected his advances. But still, she hadn't done anything that could get her shunned by her family or peers, unless one counted some vulgar remarks and a few bar fights. "I'll let you off the hook this time," She remarked wryly. They couldn't continue the conversation by virtue of reaching the cargo chamber where the alliance crew had been found. Now there was just Higgs waiting for them, giving a salute. Even the medical supplies had been gathered up. Quick work, Kaiden noted. He gave them a "everyone is off the ship" with a bosun's surety. "They better be, because we're not coming back." Kaiden replied, and the three climbed back about the RCS Vicount.