Thought I'd toss in the rough idea I have here for any other feedback. God: Eris Other Names: Discordia, The Discordant One, Strife Her grandmother was originally the Quartermaster on the ship, but died or disappeared some years ago. Eris' mother has been out of the picture longer for reasons I'm still mulling through. I thought it'd be good to have a character who wasn't part of the initial journey. I do see her as having had many years "studying" under her grandmother before taking on the mantle. Eris relies on a few forms of technology that would have originally been modified and developed from implants meant to make space travel and colonization "easier" on the human psyche. Increase work output (even to the detriment of the person), suppress certain emotions, increase others, etc. Also envisioning that grandma would have built up an actual cult that has decreased in more recent times but still exists in some form today. Still thinking through on what granddaughter Eris thinks about it all.