With his thrust quenched momentarily, Tharraleos had been spending the last few moments preening his dampened coat. The golden sawtoothed rostrum was at work fixing any nuances. His forked tongue would lick his sizable paws to assist with grooming, exhibiting behaviors of both birds and cats. While taking note of the noisome little humanoids and their shenanigans, an approaching figure suddenly averted all of his attention. Tharr would turn his unwavering goldenrod irises towards the serpentine lady and raised a brow in curiosity. Well. At least he wasn't the only strange looking creature here presently. Nor the only one with a dual-bodied frame it would seem. That was certainly refreshing. He didn't sense any danger from her, not that many were a threat to an apex predator such as himself himself. "Greetings." The beast would say to her with his booming vocals and a nod of his silver feathered noggin. [@Song Book]