[indent]I might jump in, but I am thinking about a rough character idea first. [i]Mhm... Mhm... and maybe one that would fit good snagging a job at the Nameless Tavern[/i][/indent] [hider=Ghiar] [color=6699CC] [center][h2]Ghiar[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b3/c2/c3/b3c2c3ed8cfc6ebe1ba7474e37be99ac.jpg[/img][/center] [center][sub]"In this room, I can feel every emotion."[/sub][/center] [hr] [u]Short Physical Description[/u] [indent]Barely having any pigments, he appears to be black and white almost with faded pigments of regular to exotic colors. Those pigments on his skin that do show resemble the emotion he is feeling. Having such an after-life appearing image, Ghiar stands above 6' and appears to weigh around 175-180. He has short charcoal faded hair that waivers without any wind. Usually keeping himself dressed in moderate clothing, Ghiar appears to be semi-muscular as if he naturally built muscle over years of living, but he does not appear to do any physically demanding jobs unless asked. He would be considered tall, somewhat lengthy, and having a smaller build.[/indent] [hr] Age ♎ Uknown age, over the age of 2,500 years. Gender ♎ Male Rich or Poor? ♎ Currently without money and in search of a job. [u]Power Descriptions[/u] ♈ With this power, he can light candles with the snap of his fingers and extinguish them with the blink of an eye. He can create or distinguish a small flame if he concentrates, but he cannot do anything else. ♉ Ghiar can travel to the past and future with or without others. He is not limited in his ability to travel to different spatial locations throughout the multiverse. ♊ Ghiar can transform into two different forms. The one he usually stays in, appearing human-like with no colors and hard physical lines to keep his body from fading away into the universe, or a form that takes on [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8c/f3/8b/8cf38b99c229bd8d53395dc628a8f7c8.jpg]darkness and what appear to be stars within[/url]. Every time he transforms, a new voice enters his head, and he begins to fade somewhere else into his more physical form. ♋ Ghiar can feel emotions in the third dimension, and the emotions of others can physically change his appearance. As previously stated, the hues of his skin can change to colors that resemble the emotions one feels if he touches them with his bare hand(s). His touch can make someone feel cared for and loved, as well as provide a calming sensation throughout their body. If he touches them without gloves for an extended period, they may fall asleep. ♌ Ghiar glows slightly regardless of the time or day. His skin reflects all types of light, including the moon and stars. The longer he stays out past dusk, the more moonlight he absorbs, and the brighter he can glow. ♍ As a fortune teller, he can only tell someone's fortune if they allow him to hold them for a long enough period. To tell their fortune, he must put them to sleep with his touch and read into their unconscious minds and dreams. Even by accident, someone can reject him from their unconscious mind. ♎ Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate or interact with matter or another aspect of a physical system using non-physical means. Its most basic characteristic is the ability to move and control objects (or to generate and apply physical force on a target or potentially an area) without physical contact. He has only been able to move smaller objects weighing less than 20-25 lbs. With this ability, he can close and open doors. ♏ Users can obtain information about an object, person, location, or physical event using a sight that is beyond the normal range of detection. They can usually do so without using their eyes, allowing them to act when they are unable to use their eyes. He needs something that is part of that object to gain information with this ability. If he wants to learn more about a particular book, he needs a sentence or paragraph from it, a page, a thread, and so on. ♐ Ghiar can float around in his human-like form and fly around in his secondary form. ♑ Ghiar cannot completely disguise himself, but he can blend into the background or his surroundings by becoming transparent. ♒ Ghiar can communicate with another person and allow them to communicate back to him using only mental means. ♓ Ghiar's main ability is astral projection, which he can only use while sleeping. When he is awake, he may feel sleepy because he is projecting his consciousness out of his body while he is sleeping. It's like being a ghost, roaming around but no one can see or hear you unless the right conditions are met. [u]Skills[/u] ♈ Ambidextrous ♉ Cooks well and has a natural talent for putting things together for the first time and having them turn out edible or even enjoyable. ♊ Has a good memory for faces, names, and things that are important to others. ♋ He is capable of making someone feel at ease or of being an active listener to those who need to speak. ♌ Being aware of what someone requires. He might be considered good at getting gifts. ♍ Adapting ♎ Talking ♏ Human lie detector??? ♐ Oddly being able to land on his feet more times than not in a sticky situation. ♑ Dry and sarcastic sense of humor ♒ Being a flirt ♓ Finding the good in everything [u]Personality[/u] [indent]Ghiar always tries to listen before reacting, and he tries to understand where people are coming from. He acknowledges that everyone has a different path in life, and some are more difficult than others, so some will appear more difficult before opening up to someone else. He enjoys hearing people's stories and accepts things as they are. When it comes to the majority of life, he may have a more realistic perspective or one that could be considered down-to-earth. His personality would be described as friendly, semi-talkative, and sociable in general. The colors of his skin reflect his personality and emotions; they are a dead giveaway to how he truly feels. People will notice if he is a bad liar if they catch on. He avoids lying, however, because he believes that telling the truth is easier than continuing to lie. Most people don't understand his dry and sarcastic sense of humor, but he's not sarcastic on purpose... it just comes out. His sarcasm usually appears when someone asks an obvious question or does something silly or stupid in his opinion. He can transform into a playful creature with a smirk or even a happy grin. [/indent] [u]Biography[/u] [indent]Ghiar can't remember where he was last, but he can tell you that he was created by the stars and how they aligned. He has been wandering the multiverse alone since he was created thousands of years ago. Throughout his life, he has met a wide range of people. He can tell you about his parents and the zodiac signs, but he rarely brings it up unless someone expresses an interest in who he is and where he came from. [/indent] [u]Likes[/u] Challenges Pampering himself Playful souls Making people laugh or being a good company to someone else Water (swimming) Equilibrium Sharing [u]Dislikes[/u] Work that doesn't use his abilities or skills Drama Misplacing things Being completely ignored Sloppy workers Injustice Dishonesty (when directly asking about something.) Losing control over oneself Being bored [u]Fears[/u] Being forgotten Succumbing to their second form Isn't liked by others Will not be able to live up to self-expectations Making the wrong decision Losing individuality Loneliness [u]Weaknesses[/u] Can be a perfectionist (causing unneeded stress and worry) Getting out of bed on time Being sensitive and holding it inside Indecisive Anxiety Can get caught up in his emotions and thoughts Internalizes things way more than he should His own appearance Overthinking, everything Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbCTw8bMG-I]"Ambient Space Music" by Fantasy & World Music by the Fiechters[/url][/color] [/hider] I'll move this over when I get my first post written up and posted.