[@PaulHaynek][@Nakushita][@Rezod92][@Dark Cloud] [color=ed145b][b]Skarsneek of the Red Hill[/b][/color] Skarsneek grinned as he kept the distance at a close as he kneed, slammed and struck the warrior mages as fast as he can. They had to lower the number differences otherwise they'll get the advantage in the long run. So with a powerful kick, Skarsneek got rid of the Immortals assigned to him. He was about to aid Kerry before a new presence made themselves known, walking out in blue and gold armor. Flicking his hands to the sides as the warriors created a sword from thin air, which then began to spark and erupted into a flaming. A warlock from the scarce legion? Then again, this invasion was already poised for the entirety of Zipangu, of course they'll bring all the heavy hitters that they can. Seeing the warlock gestured to them, Skarsneek spat to the sides as Kerry approached him for a plan. [color=ed145b]"Overwhelm him."[/color] Skarsneek kept it simple, looking around for any objects that he can utilized. The net was done, so all that's left are baskets, oars, and maybe dried fishing baits. He'll have to improvise from what he got then, Skarsneek thought as he twirled his club before thrusting it out, then swung upwards. Catching a straw basket handle and sending it flying, doubting it'll be any use of a distraction as he snapped to the left, hoping that Kerry will follow up to the right. Skarsneek feinted a few times before striking low at the knee caps, wary of the fiery sword and avoiding it at all cost but continued to close in beyond common sense. He had to, bringing it to this close range where he can't swing that sword effectively or use any spells was paramount to their victory. Though if that failed, as Skarsneek continued in a flurry of attacks. He can hope to drive the warlock far enough to shove him into the river. Then once that's done, they might have a chance. --- [@Enkryption] [color=f7941d][b]Gringor of the Ironhide tribe[/b][/color] Seeing the weird boy suddenly continued their brawl had taken him off-guard for a moment. Was this really the time when they're on the job? Not that he was complaining, but there's a war to be won. They can do it later when they're resting and not mid-journey. So when she stopped and talked to Takeshi underboss, Gringor didn't hesitate. Flinging his foot forward, it landed squarely on her chest but not to damage, his intent was to push and off-balance her enough before he slammed her down to the ground as gently as he can. Swinging once, his axe was inches away from her neck and gave him near control over her as he shifted his foot to kept her pinned down. He had no time to waste on exercises like this. [color=f7941d]"You lost, means you follow what I say."[/color] He declared before lifting his weapon away from her neck [color=f7941d]"So where you going?"[/color] Gringor didn't really paid attention to what she was searching but he figured if it was important enough that she had to go back despite bashing so many heads in, it has to be worth something. Once he did received his answer, Gringor would lift his foot and let Alice lead the way. Letting Takeshi ahead as well for now.