[quote=@Cyclone] I think these ideas are workable and was even hoping that somebody would make a character that's secretly (or possibly even openly) opposed to Zeus. [/quote] >Well in that case the rundown of my idea is as follows: >One of the original crew members in charge of medical--more specifically the medical nanites and their assembler--disagreed with how their captain wanted to handle things. Not only because it violated the mission, of which their part had been to aid in restoring the health of the colony's inhabitants while other staff more skilled in using an advanced form of CRISPR took care of any mutations caused by the disaster, but also every sort of ethical boundary and moral oath. >Said crew member takes the tech they're in charge of, the nanites and their assembler, along with some other Clarketech like Finity--temp name--Boxes and possibly a CTD (Consciousness Transferral Device) before sneaking off the ship and hiding away on the planet below. Fast forward a bit after Zeus takes control and they get situated, and they start using remotely controlled machines--who have what few Finity Boxes that were stolen built-in to help shunt excess heat--to raise armies of biologically functional yet brain dead corpses. As even if the person was brought back in time, the nanites simply rewrote their neural pathways to such an extent that they no longer exist. >As for the crew member they've since uploaded their mind to the assembler, which they more so jury-rigged in order to attach a virch world of sorts, and started backing up their consciousness as time goes on. That or they stole a bunch of machineforms their mind can inhabit, and they use a separate data storage device in which to store backups of their consciousness in case said machineforms get destroyed, and they simply control the nanites, injector drones, and the "undead" through a wireless node based system. One in which the drones act as controlling nodes for the nanites. I've not really decided yet on which one works better. >I could also see them possibly doing some excavation just to create more feedstock for the assembler itself. >In the end though I could use some feedback and help on ironing the idea out, as I'm trying to create both a credible threat without having them be too broken. Even though with theoretical hard science fiction technology alone all the characters would be, to say nothing of straight up Clarketech.