submitting my character sheet for perusal! i think i've covered everything, but let me know if anything needs to be added or changed. [hider=eli] [img][/img][right][center][h1][b][color=#9036c1]Elías Delgado[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [img][/img][/right] [center] [hr][i][color=#9036c1]"Relax a little. I can see your worry lines growing in."[/color][/i] [hr] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Elías Delgado-De la Cruz [b]Gender:[/b] Cisgender male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Gay [b]College Degree:[/b] Bachelor's in elementary education [b]Witch or Warlock:[/b] Warlock [b]Schools of Magic:[/b] Alteration (Transmutation) [b]Personality:[/b] Elías—or Eli, or El—doesn’t have an abundance of close friends. It’s not because he keeps to himself: He’s quite personable, bringing a relaxed presence that chills out those around him. He’s rarely emotional in public, either positively or negatively, which can make him both comfortable to be around and difficult to read. Fortunately, he’s not a person that needs much reading into: Social decorum be damned, Elías is not one for filtering his speech. He says what he is thinking without malice or sugarcoating, which can be both a blessing and a curse—some appreciate his upfront honesty, while others find it harsh or mistake it for sarcasm, even if that isn’t his intention. For these reasons, and his apparent difficulty with picking up on social cues, Elías is not someone with much of a social circle. These communication barriers are the source of much frustration, though he struggles to overcome them His loneliness certainly bothers him, but he’s learned to live with it: He’s an ambivert, acclimating comfortably to extroversion or introversion. To him, it’s an unfortunate truth that he’s the one everyone knows but no one is close to—but Elías is nothing if not stubborn, and does his best to put himself out there regardless. His strong sense of empathy drives him to help and comfort, though often to his own detriment—it can be easy for him to forget to take care of himself whilst worrying over someone else. Though he remains composed around others, he can also be quite emotional while alone—he can have no reaction to something around others, and be moved to tears with it when no one else is around. The one exception to his rule of composure around others is his tendency to become overstimulated: Excessive sensory input can lead to him becoming easily stressed, forcing him away to somewhere more quiet to regain his cool. Thus, he appreciates calmer spaces and people, favouring the quiet types over those louder or more boisterous. [b]History/Bio:[/b] The Delgados have always flirted on the fringes of magic: Though they fled Spain centuries ago to escape the Spanish Inquisition’s attempts to uproot witchcraft from Navarre, their interest in the arcane waned over the years as they integrated into the local, heavily Catholic, Latino communities of New Mexico. It wouldn’t be until years later, when the Delgado patriarch emigrated in the 1940s after serving time in the war, that interest in the occult sparked once again for their bloodline. His time in Europe had exposed him to the supernatural, as he learned the harebrained schemes of the Axis Powers to control the unknowable were perhaps not so baseless after all. Fortune tellers with eerily accurate predictions in Italy, local French faith healers able to turn the enemy’s fallen against them—it didn’t take much digging through the family archives for Mr. Delgado to uncover his family’s ties to these mystic arts. So, despite the protests of his elders, he uprooted from their home in Albuquerque to head for a small town in Washington state by the name of Tanner. Eager to learn the secrets of magic, he threw himself headfirst into the coven’s teachings and unlocked the powers of invocation. And he was terrible at it. For quite a while, the Delgados were a bad joke amongst the higher ups of the Tanner coven: Nouveau magicians, headstrong and overconfident and incapable of clambering out of the lower ranks of warlock. A daughter only able to transmute things into frogs, a grandson who teleported himself into a wall—it seemed magic was not in the family’s cards. A glimmer of potential arose, however, with the youngest son of the family: Elías’ parents insisted on him joining the coven, despite his hesitancy—there wasn’t exactly an outstanding precedent for his success, after all. Surprisingly, though, Eli proved to be far more capable of wielding his powers than those that came before him. Determined to defy their heritage of mediocity, his parents urged him to continue his studies into magic. Eli refused, however, determined to continue his life normally. He split off from the coven to attend college, and it appeared he had finally escaped the small town of Tanner—somewhere he had always believed was a dead end for his future prospects. It seemed Elías would never return—however, the sudden death of his father changed that. Natural causes: They'd all been expecting it for some time, but it still took him by shock when he got the news. Whether out of guilt, obligation, or something else, Eli returned to Tanner to attend the funeral and reenter the coven he had sworn off when he was younger. Now, he finds himself at a crossroads: Which life will he choose? One with the coven, or one out in the world where he longs to be? Or can a compromise be struck to please himself and honour the memory of his father? [/hider]