[center][b][color=bc8dbf][h3]Tristan Kingsley Parter[/h3][/color][/b][/center] [center][i][b]Location:[/b] 666 Mystic Lane, MA[/i][/center] [center][i][b]Interactions:[/b][/i] Xan ([@Randomness]), Ashe ([@Timemaster]), Alora and The Benefactor ([@MagratheanWhale])[/center] [hr] [i]Drinks floated towards Tristan and the others who were the last to arrive. He'd seen too many "accidents" involving these drinks whenever he was around, so he opened it carefully. Once opened, he began to drink the soda calmly, while still paying attention to the room.[/i] [quote=@Randomness] “Oh, yeah?” said Xan as he walked next to Tristan, “Could still be the house, given what we’ve just witnessed. Though, it doesn’t look like you guys were the meal, yeah? At least, not yet.” [/quote] [color=bc8dbf]"Meal...? What do you even mean?"[/color] [i]Tristan asked Xan, as he was one of the few who had missed the timing on the house "eating" people to bring them inside.[/i] [quote=@Timemaster] "[color=gold] Chill down princess. It's magic. Haven't you seen any movies? Someone is flexing their magic muscles to show us they're the boss. Think about it, if they wanted us dead, we would be already. Have a drink and wait for it. Worst case scenario, hold tight to the couch. I can't promise where we'll end up but it'll be better than here. [/color]" said Ashe to Alora as she shouted. [/quote] [color=bc8dbf](She's already starting to nickname people... This can't be good.)[/color] [i]Tristan thought, looking at Ashe. He already felt that she and him would definitely end up in trouble if somehow they were paired together.[/i] [quote=@MagratheanWhale] [color=6ecff6]"First, don't call me princess ever again," [/color]she paused as she flashed a finger. [color=6ecff6]"Second, I haven't had magic long and I could not find even the smallest bit of information online about this magic. Forgive me if I seem amiss."[/color] Pausing again as she flashed two fingers. [color=6ecff6]"Third, if wanted to hear your advice I would ask you for it."[/color] The third finger flew up as a dull thud could be heard. The noise was soft, almost rhythmic, and seemed to be coming from a far corner of the house. Anora paused as she turned her head back to the center of the room, back to the man, and back to the center of the room. [color=6ecff6]"And fourth, and finally, why did the ghost stop sweeping?" [/color] [/quote] [color=bc8dbf]"... There was a *THUD* sound just now. I guess the host arrives to greet us."[/color] [i]Tristan said to Alora.[/i] [i]With the house going bonkers as the *THUD* sounds grew closer and louder, he could only stand in anticipation. His prediction could be right in the money and the man... woman... whoever it was that summoned them was arriving just now. Normally, these sorts of events could be blamed on Tristan and his power, seemingly as if the curses that were being spread around were making this horror scene. But this time it wasn't. No curse was affecting the house. And then, just as he wondered...[/i] [b][i]BGM:[/i][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax7-vQXT2qY]The Forbidden Advent Garden: Salem (Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant)[/url] [quote=@MagratheanWhale] [color=0054a6] "Welcome,"[/color] the man's voice bellowed. It was deep, and his accent sounded almost English but mixed with something older. [color=0054a6]"We have much to discuss. You may call me the benefactor."[/color][/quote] [i]It didn't take long for the Benefactor to finally show himself to the group. Tristan looked at him and felt a shiver running down his spine as if the cold wind from the outside had extinguished all of the house's warmth. The man standing right in his front was no mere joke: he may look like a senior from a retirement house, but he had power enough to make the once moving objects stop and tremble. And not just the objects, the group was also paralyzed in fear. However, Tristan knew it was better than to be the first one to suggest running away. There was no escape, he was sure of it. Even if he tried to move away from that place, the Benefactor could bring him back in a blink of an eye. That was how much power he had in store, and it felt almost as if it wasn't even the beginning of it.[/i] [color=bc8dbf]"..."[/color] [i]Tristan breathed, grabbing his drink.[/i] [i]The second thing that Tristan felt from the Benefactor was related to his power: an absence of malevolent energy. Or, if not absent, it was very well hidden, to the point that he couldn't feel it. Whatever energy he had was nowhere near a curse. If it was, though, he wasn't able to absorb it. This sort of situation came as naturally as day and night, and yet... this was the first time and the first person in which Tristan's power wasn't working.[/i] [color=bc8dbf](Should I... feel safe around him? No, the fact he carries no malevolence can't be a good omen... or is he hiding it from me? I... this is so confusing. He's the first person I cannot feel anything. But why?)[/color] [i]Tristan thought, in a mix of stupor and fright.[/i] [quote=@MagratheanWhale][color=0054a6]"You all must have questions that demand answers,"[/color] the benefactor spoke with gravitas, [color=0054a6]"I intend to answer them in kind."[/color] The benefactor finished as he shifted his weight onto his cane.[/quote] [i]His deep voice seemed to echo deeply inside his mind, enough to awaken him back to reality. He didn't know if the others had questions of their own, but he wasn't going to lose this opportunity to actually ask.[/i] [color=bc8dbf]"How did you find all of us at once? What sort of... being are you to pull such a thing?"[/color] [i]He asked.[/i]