[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BIFC1B7.png[/img][/center][color=#C5CAE9] [color=#BB8FCE]Time:[/color] Morning [color=#BB8FCE]Location:[/color] Caseonia Streets [color=#BB8FCE]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0e/f3/cc/0ef3cc6f5f93617c78ca48b8f9a8c77d.jpg]Here[/url] [color=#BB8FCE]Hair:[/color] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/66/1d/b2/661db2c0df4e81dee1102b7d747ae997.jpg]Here[/url][/color] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/977730500103909456/UfpuO82.png[/img][/center] [color=#C5CAE9]After reuniting with Buttercup, Persephone had sat against a wall in the barn and sobbed. A good night had turned into a disaster. From stealing the Ball’s food, reuniting with Kaz and dancing with Prince Auguste, her night had been going well. It seemed as if nothing would go wrong. However, it was fate that it would not end well and her luck would run out. After hearing the conversation with Count Asshole and Charlotte Vikena, her night had deteriorated quickly. After discovering Violet’s deceased and gory body, she’d met Charlotte in person now and a ragtag girl named Ruby. As her mind replayed the event’s, Persephone hugged her horse and cried the entire night. Then guilt would wash over her when she realized he’d be interrogated by Count Dipshit the next morning, and it would repeat. Sleep had become thus an option, and only when she’d exhausted herself emotionally, did it finally welcome her. The following morning delivered more bad news to Persephone. Wanted posters of her face were pinned to every establishment. The reward was handsome. To her surprise, she was wanted alive. How they had managed to draw her so correctly stunned the vigilante. As Persephone laid on the ground and stared at the barn’s ceiling, contemplating how to end herself, it dawned on her again: Kazumin would be interrogated by Count Damien for something he hadn’t ever done. Rage boiled under the surface and she shot up at the cruel injustice. She wiped her eyes and sniffled, then looked at Buttercup who had woken up earlier and was munching on her hay. Allowing her time to graze, Seph cleaned up in a nearby river and changed into some clothes she had…. acquired a few weeks ago. Whether or not it had been legal was up in the air. She pulled her hair into a low bun tightly and pulled her hood over her face to help conceal her face. Prior to leaving, she fixed herself a delicious breakfast and relished in the delight of it being stolen from the ball. Once full, she discarded the evidence quickly with a fire she also put out. Her gaze would become stony and impassive whenever she looked at fire. It felt as if she were being mauled alive by ants. Nothing else mattered in the moment until the flames were extinguished and the last pillows of smoke had faded. Once out of the trance, Persephone assessed her surroundings. Her horse had moved away from the fire to graze. [color=#BB8FCE]”Buttercup, are you up for a ride, girl?”[/color] Her horse looked up and knickered. With a soft smile, Persephone went over to her and tacked her up quickly. Once mounted, Persephone picked up the reins and urged her into a quick walk and eventually transitioned into a gallop. With her bow over her shoulder, quiver of arrows around her waist, and miscellaneous weapons, she was ready. As a wanted rebel or not, there was a rescue mission for a cowlicked blonde with an obsession with pudding waiting for her. While the young rebel rode, a plan formulated in her mind.[/color]