[@Grade] [@Remuri] [@Pakde] Ezekiel had a shocked look on his face as he saw the wheelchair bound man start walking. He felt kind of stupid for helping him. But the feeling of fatigue from before helped with his theory, that he could only move if he stole enough energy from other people. He would have to be careful of this man, he seemed more dangerous than he looked. However, he could be of use if he or any of the others died. They would make for good zombies, but that would be a last resort if he is the last one alive. Being more than disappointed that the demoness was not from Carcosa, if she was he was going to ask her if she knew if Heyl’r was here. But searching for this place could be more successful than asking others where it could be. “[color=662d91][i]My name is Ezekiel Jarret, and we are pleased to meet you.[/i][/color]” Being sadden that he could not make pleasantries with the interesting demoness, but there were more important things than making friends. Walking towards the man with the bundle of fish and octopus. “[color=662d91][i]We would be more than happy to assist you in cooking this aquatic fauna.[/i][/color]” Despite being a necromancer he was a good cook, or so he thought. He had never had anyone taste his cooking before, so he hoped they would like the meal. But perhaps he could assist in cooking, so that no one blames him if they get sick. Looking around quickly figuring out that he was not going to find any edible spices on the island. “[color=662d91][i]First we should find some dry wood, leaves, and flint or rocks. Would someone please assist us in finding supplies to start a fire?[/i][/color]” He looked around at the group. Finding similar interest from Sonia towards the snake woman. Being reminded of the Nazamines from the deserts of Ka’ta. He wondered if she was related to them.