When Zara started towards the bathroom escape route, Isaac jumped back up and let fly a few rounds from The Raging Bull. That painful rush of 50-calibur recoil running up his arm, all the way to his shoulder... he enjoyed it. It made the gun feel like an extension of his own body and reminded him of his old lessons. [i]I aim with eye. I shoot with my mind. I kill with my heart.[/i] The muzzle flash, in the dark bedroom, lit up Isaac's face to show bright blue eyes awash with excitement and a teethy one-sided grin. Here, in the middle of the gun battle, was a young man completely in his element. The wasteland was ruthless, unforgiving and dangerous. Animal or man - to survive you had to be the same. Isaac had learned that the hard way when he lost his mother. Such a tragedy had destroyed the boy he was. But that only allowed him to be built back up by the wandering hero who crossed his path. Cairo 'The Courier' Storm. It had taken some convincing by young Isaac to get Cairo Storm to teach him how to be a soldier of The Good Fight. But The Courier eventually did relent and take on Isaac as an apprentice for a year. And built back up, Isaac was... his heart just as big, but now with ice in his veins. After trading volleys a couple of times, Isaac snuck away towards the back of the building, about time he made his own escape. Unfortunately for him, two of the raiders had made their way around back to surround the townhouse. They saw the rope dangling from the third floor window, right about the time that Isaac was halfway out. "They're trying to escape!" Isaac dove back inside, escaping gunfire. He couldn't see Zara and worried for her safety, hoping that she got away or at least found a good hiding spot, while he figured a way out of the situation. The raider's began calling to eachother, maintaining a lock on the front and rear entrances, as they probed carefully for a way in. Isaac glimpsed one of the raiders creeping to the front entrance, but didn't get time to shoot as Tasha unloaded her Uzi in his direction. It wouldn't take them long to realise that there were no more traps downstairs, and then they would rush in for the final showdown. [i]Think quick, Isaac,[/i] he urged himself. After going down the 2nd floor, he realised that there were indeed windows on the southside of the building (the front and rear entrance facing east and west, respectively.) He snuck and checked out of the window. No sign of the enemy. Quietly and carefully, he slid the window up and open, and popped his head out. Coast still clear. With that, he went back up to the 3rd floor, ran to the bathroom window and squeezed off two shots at his foes, who shot back. Then, sprinting into the bedroom at the front of house, he threw his last grenade out of the window and rushed down to the 2nd floor. The grenade bounced with a [i]Clink[/i] before... "Grenade!" ...it exploded into shrapnel. The diversion was chaotic enough that he had time climb out of the window, hang from the ledge and then drop to the floor. The impact on the concrete almost broke his ankles and he dropped onto his ass. "Ugh. Shit," he moaned as quietly as possible. He got to his feet, a hand on the wall as he looked both ways. "I hope she remembered what I said about Grasscroft." And with that, he made a run for it. As soon as he got over the road, he turned around and started blasting again, getting the raiders attention before disappearing behind the houses. He could hopefully lead them south and away from Zara, then meet up with her at Grasscroft. The nearby town had it's own militia who defended the settlement from threats. It was about as safe a haven as they would get for now. After 20 seconds of running, he could hear shouts behind him. He smiled as he ran. His plan was working.