It didn't take long before Stingmon heard something that sounded like a tree falling and he flew into the air, until he was the height of the nearby houses' roofs and started flying in the direction the sound came from. After just a little bit he spotted what looked like a Groundramon fighting a sasquatch. Not knowing who the agressor was he decided to observe the fight for now. Since he had desire to waste energy or being seen Stingmon backed off a bit and landed hopefully unnoticed in a tree a few meters away from the fight. While his coloration made camouflage easier he wished he was the same size as Asahi so that he would fit easier instead of heaving to awkwardly crouch. Unfortunately he choose a weak branch and shortly after he landed it broke off, as unprepared for this as he was Stingmon actually ended up falling to the ground despite his wings. [@BenG85]