[quote=@Zyx] >I see. Well I'll see what feedback they give on my idea when they get back online, as that would be an interesting conflict. The main thing that concerns me about my idea, however, is how exactly they've managed to create more machineforms to download to. I mean maybe I could say they gave the assembler plans for the machines in question, and as a part of the modifications altered it to be able to build them, but idk. I'm also wondering if the drones that go scavenging for corpses should be armed with weaponry or not, because on the one hand it would be the logical thing to do, but on the other it would lead to an arms race. And might not necessarily fit with the theme of decaying technology. >As for why I speak in greentext, it's because I like to. [/quote] Hello! I'll PM you the Google Doc I'm working on for this with a bunch of concrete, but tentative things I'm working on for Sanitation Hades. If you aren't interested in reading that, then I'll give you the short MO for what I've got brewing up for the Underworld. Essentially, his 'divine' power comes from a nanocomposite, flashprinting supervault that uses biofuel - characterised as bioenergy, necropower, - that's been synthesized to power itself. The biofuel allows for further fabrication through it's printing protocols to develope things as Hades wishes. The caveat to everything that's developed in the Underworld is that everything requires being in a certain range of the Styx Core (including its sub-cores) and powered by fuel synthesized through the pipes (flavored as the rivers in the Greek Mythology). In reference to the 'undead', I've flavored biomechanical automata produced by the supervault as Underworld shades that operate on command of the chthonic king. One of the reasons I went that route is because the former Sanitation Officer used drones to sanitize the interiror and exterior of the vessels he worked on, so he naturally works with automata. I'm totally up for collabing since Hades is kind of an outcast character with links to the High Pantheon! I've worked it out in his background that 'Tartarus' exists as an extension of the Underworld, where most of the problematic entities are sent to be 'dealt with'. So it's likely your guy could've reached out and proposed a deal with Hades, he'll usually accept if it benefits him. But yeah, let me know if you wanna see what I've got down in writing and we could drum up somethings.