[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZCrkic.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DtnixpY.png?2[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Smash City Alcamoth [b]Level:[/b] 2 [b]Experience:[/b] 13/20 [b]Word Count:[/b] <750 ([i]+1 EXP[/i])[/center] Rubick left the opposite way Karin did, not wanting to be near her for the time being. After all, how dare she say she won when he so obviously took pity on her? It wasn't his fault she was so boring to fight against. Well, that and the fact that he had yet to regain his attack-oriented spells. He could still remember the days he Fade Bolted a group of magicians and ran away chuckling while they recovered and chased after him, slinging their own spells his way. As he walked, he came across a door. On it was the label "Item Storeroom". Rubick stared at it for a second, briefly wondering what was inside. Of course, he couldn't resist his curiosity and opened the door. What lay before him was a plethora of items and gadgets that Rubick had never seen before. He knew that he just had to try as many as he could. Rubick first picked up the Staff. He waved it up and down experimentally, trying to figure out how it worked. He then gave it a proper swing, which caused the Staff to fire a beam. Wide-eyed, Rubick stared at the resulting scorch mark on the opposite wall. He eyes darted back and forth between it and the Staff in his hands before finally putting the item in his robes while saying to himself, "Whoops! I should be more careful." He then promptly forgot his resolution and continued to try more items with reckless abandon. He picked up a banana, wondering what a food item was doing in here, which then fired its contents like a gun when Rubick accidentally touched the trigger area and left him with an empty banana peel in his hand. Tossing it behind him, Rubick continued on and picked up a Ray Gun. Fortunately, he had enough sense to keep the open end away from him. He didn't want any projectiles flying into his face in case it worked the same way the banana did. He gave it a brief examination, turning it around in his hands, before placing it inside his robes as well. There was a comically giant hammer lying around, but when Rubick tried to pick it up, the head immediately slipped off the handle, prompting Rubick to toss it aside. There was a stopwatch device on a nearby shelf, but Rubick could not figure out the purpose of the item, despite clicking the button several times. He was going to put it away when he accidentally knocked over a Bob-omb. Rubick jumped back, but he quickly noticed how slowly it was falling to the ground. He walked back over to it, wondering why it was so slow. Before he could connect the dots together, however, the Bob-omb exploded, knocking Rubick back into another shelf. While he was unconscious, a Healing Sprout rolled off the shelf, landing on and sticking to his head, slowly healing him. It did not take long for Rubick to regain consciousness. Looking around, he soon noticed that the storeroom was a mess. Not wanting to be caught, Rubick decided that he spent enough time in here. Quickly swiping another item at random (a Star Rod), he left the Item Storeroom and tried to make his way back to the group. Wherever they were, it would hopefully not be too far. [hider=Items obtained] -Staff -Ray Gun -Star Rod [/hider]