[@Dark Light] Now this took a turn Vendril was not expecting, he'd listen to the words as rubs his chin. He couldn't deny it was ominous and now it's come to be apparent that the tavern had its own mind. This wasn't something he wasn't accustomed to with everything he's been through, yet it adds onto the notes he was taking that he would have to step lightly and carefully. Though towards the end of Dorian's words he'd crack a slight smile as he nods. "[color=goldenrod]I understand and I won't cause trouble unless it comes knocking, but you must understand my paranoia...[/color]" His eyes glancing towards the crowds before looking back at the man and shrugging. "[color=goldenrod]I've been in two wars that lasted far too long, I made enemies I didn't want to make.[/color]ā€ Though afterwards a slight smile broke on his face as he placed his tea on the countertop. His hand settled itself next to the cup as his fingers gently tapped against the material. ā€œ[color=goldenrod]Not all bad though, even if Iā€™m not the same being I once was, I like how things turned out for myself.[/color]ā€