[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gNM6ZQm.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h2]B[color=887188]rotherhood Beyond Blood [color=FFFFFF]| Pt 2 |[/color] Port Morilles’ Golden Hour[/color][/h2][i]Present[/i][/center] [hr] [center][sup]INTERACTING: Caelum [@RezonanceV] Mentions Queen Eleanor [@YummyYummy][/sup] [sup]MOOD: Mood: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xydf351l-gw&ab_channel=TheScoreVEVO]Theme Song[/url][/sup][/center][center][sup]EVENT: Fields of Fire || LOCATION: Port Morilles / Caves Underneath[/sup][/center][hr][hr] [center] [color=887188][i]“Can you fight?””[/i][/color] [color=FFFFFF][i]Young Maerec asking Caelum in the slums of Solenne.[/i][/color] [/center] Queen Eleanor stood at the face of her knights and trusted advisors, [color=f6989d]“Ideas?”[/color] That was the magic word used by her majesty. Port Morilles was billowing up in flames, the caves were undermined, and the town was on the brink of slipping into the seas. Caelum believed a plan of action in his mind might work if he had the right help. He stepped up to meet Queen Eleanor’s presence, bowing before her in a sign of respect and revealing the symbol of the Pentad with his gesture of hands. [color=C2B280]“My Queen,”[/color] he said respectfully, [color=C2B280]“I have traveled to Port Morilles before; the caves below butt up against the sea where large rocks rest on its cliffside.”[/color] He continued, [color=C2B280]“If there are Force users to spare, we can evacuate the people and fill those caves with the rocks to support the cliff from crumbling.”[/color] Caelum paused to let his idea process before adding, [color=C2B280]“This will not stop the cliff top from breaking, but it will buy time for our Blood users to seal the cut that is causing the cliff to buckle beneath the weight of the castle and town.”[/color] Caelum paused again; he hoped the Queen would approve such a plan. He knew deep down this would split their force, but it would work. [color=f6989d]”You will need to act quickly,”[/color] Eleanor kept herself straddled onto her horse and overlooked the situation at hand, [color=f6989d]”sir Maerec de Solenne.”[/color] the Queen called for the Skyborn veteran to come forward, [color=f6989d]“Your mastery of Force would be crucial to this endeavor. Do you agree?”[/color] quick to get things done, all she needed was an answer before she shifted her attention to the next step of the plan, [color=f6989d]“With no time to spare, I will lead a small group of Blood Mages to correct the foundations of the cliff. Now-”[/color] she looked over at the massive black cloud over the village with the castle bearing most of the flames. Camille de la Saumure’s stance was evident to all those who knew of her ties to the port town, [color=f6989d] “Arnaud,”[/color] she called for her husband’s executioner, [color=f6989d] “accompany Lady Camille.”[/color] the hulking beast of metal merely nodded. His recently displayed feats in Relouse made him a good pick when dousing flames was in demand. Standing nearby, Maerec had heard Caelum’s plan of action. Splitting forces was risky, but he understood the consequences if they did not. Far too many innocents could die if the cliff beneath the town fell away. Hearing Queen Eleanor, his eyes turned to her. He gave the nod, then bowed his head to her as he made the gesture of Oraphe. [color=#887188]“I agree with certainty. I will assist.”[/color] As the Queen’s attention turned to the next plan of action, Maerec slipped closer to Caelum, a hand reaching out to clasp on the other’s shoulder. [color=#887188]“We meet up again, brother,”[/color] He muttered. [color=#887188]“A little more than a few weeks in between….”[/color] He gave a small chuckle. [color=#887188]“Let’s make haste, shall we?”[/color] Maerec let his hand slip from Caelum’s shoulder and took a step back, waiting for Caelum to take the lead on where to go. [color=f6989d]”Oraphe keep you both.”[/color] the queen solemnly blessed the two Perrench knights before mobilizing herself and the available blood mages to exact her part of the plan. Caelum felt the paws of Maerec rest on his shoulder. Turning to meet Maerec’s eyes, Caelum acknowledged his warm gesture, [color=C2B280]“Thank Oraphe, brother.”[/color] The two were bonded beyond blood, having practiced every week those years ago. Caelum could remember watching Maerec compete in the Circuit right before they were separated. Caelum was sent to the Uncoqunered Suns, and Maerec not shortly after became a squire as he promised one day he would. Eventually, Oraphe brought them together again. Caelum walked out from the gathered knights and Queen’s presence. He whistled for Mathieos and Dieudonne to bring his new horse; upon their approach, Dieudonne held the reigns of Caelum’s fresh steed, [color=C2B280]“Thank you.”[/color] Caelum hoisted himself up onto his horse using Force. He looked back at Maerec, [color=C2B280]“You got my back, like old times?”[/color] By the time Caelum was on his horse, Maerec had his own prepared to mount. He returned his gaze to Caelum just before pulling himself onto his horse. A smirk crossed his lips as he reflected on the two in their younger years. Ever since the fateful day they met in that alley, whenever they saw each other again, Maerec always had Caelum’s back. [color=#887188]“Always.”[/color] He replied almost matter-of-factly as if that was the obvious answer and resolute. The warmth Caelum felt from his brother-in-arms could only be described as spiritual, beyond the material realm. This true soul understood what it meant to be willing to sacrifice their own life for another. It was a raw understanding that life is precious and protecting it is the highest order of responsibilities and rewards as a living being in a fallen world. Brotherhood was indescribable to those who did not share it; for those who did, it was phenomenal. Caelum slipped a smile to Maerec, his question was rhetorical, but the response was deep. He cracked the reigns of his steed, and they took off toward Port Morilles’ caverns directly below the cliffs supporting the castle and town. Their strides were all amplified by their ability to use Force, a weapon that would be extremely necessary for what they all were about to do. The beating hearts and hooves of Parrence pounded toward Port Morilles. No one knew what they were in store for, but all of them knew that they’d step up against whatever it might be. The plan was clear, rescue the people from the caverns from being crushed, fill it with rocks to buy the blood mages time, and if all aligned under Pentad, the blood mages would seal the schism, which would stop the cliffs from slipping Port Morilles and it’s castle into the sea. Caelum spotted the cavern entrance as they rounded over the last crest of a hill. The sheer power of waves bashing against the cavern and cliff walls must have been magnified inside. He thought of all those people who must have been terrified for the lives of their loved ones and their own. [color=C2B280]“Hurry your steeds; we are losing time!”[/color] Caelum roared back to the band of Parrench protectors. The horses picked up speed and chucked mud as each leg reminded each soldier how much power was between their girdle. As they arrived 100 yards from the entrance, Caelum signaled to slow their horses. They were 30 yards from the entrance when they came to a stop. He assessed and called out to Maerec, [color=C2B280]“We need to collect as many large rocks as we can outside and get who we can out from the inside. I trust you to lead either; which do you think is best for you?”[/color] [color=#887188]“I will find the townspeople inside and escort them out. Make a clearing for them to gather.”[/color] Maerec looked back towards the path they had come from. [color=#887188]“Far enough away to stay out of harm’s way.”[/color] He motioned to a larger path clearing that might suit a large group of people. “Station a few men leading from the cavern to that clearing so that we may guide the townspeople. Also,” he turned his attention to Dieudonne. [color=#887188]“I would like your assistance in the cavern. I have seen your skills on the battlefield, and I feel you may benefit me inside.”[/color] He waited for the notion of agreement before turning to Caelum. [color=#887188]“We will alert you when everyone is out of the cavern.”[/color] Maerec hopped down from his horse and looked up to Caelum again. [color=#887188]“Stay safe, brother. I won’t keep you waiting long.”[/color] He tilted his head to Dieudonne, gesturing for him and a handful of men to follow him into the cavern. Maerec took off before Caelum could respond. Beneath his breath, he prayed, [color=C2B280]“May Oraphe keep you Maerec, return alive.”[/color] Caelum gestured to the hourglass of Pentad and reoriented to collecting the rocks from the sea. The darkness of the cavern grew the further the group went in. It was fortunate that some of the Parrenchmen could cast fire to illuminate their way. The cavern was large, tall, and had an energy about it. It was as if one could feel the fear and anticipating dread emanating from what lay within. It was fuel for Maerec, though, and he trudged forward, noting which points were highest and which areas seemed best to reinforce first. Only the sound of crashing waves outside, his footsteps, and the men with him accompanied his thoughts. Eventually, the group came upon an area that seemed to open up further. Through the darkness, they could see a few spots of firelight scattered along the floor, with nearly dozens of people huddled around them. These must have been the townspeople waiting to hear back about their fate. The group halted and looked to Maerec to call the townspeople first. Most seemed too focused on keeping warm to notice them. [color=#887188]“Good people of Port Morilles…!”[/color] He started, loud enough for his voice to echo about the cavern but soft enough not to startle them into feeling too threatened. [color=#887188]“I am Maerec de Solenne, and we are of the Queen’s Army. I do not have much time to explain, but we will be escorting you out of the cave and to safety.”[/color] Instantly there was a rise of murmurs and concerned chattering. [color=87ceeb]“Aren’t we safe here?” “Have the Eskandr come for us?” “It’s not safe!” “We will be killed out there!”[/color] were only a few things the group could hear from the sequence of concerns. The waves crashed outside again, and the sound of falling rocks came soon after. It took some convincing to make the first of the possibly hundreds of people hiding within the caverns move, but through patience that could only be a blessing from the Pentad, Maerec was able to get them moving. It wasn’t as quick as he had wanted, but rather this than hundreds trampling over each other in a state of panic. [color=#887188]“Dieudonne, help me speed them up. We will send them out in groups.”[/color] Maerec used his Force abilities to help the townspeople move quickly with the apprentice's assistance. Parrench men lined the cavern they originally came to help lead the people out and towards the designated clearing. With each group that passed Maerec by, the more times he forced himself to quicken another group, the more Maerec’s concern about time became. They could only move people so fast when there were so many of them. It was a delicate job, but he kept most calm. As the cavern cleared out, Maerec took a better look inside. It was a deep cavern, and Maerec could see a group huddled around an area of collapsed rock across the way. It seemed they had no intention of moving along with the others. The knight made his way over to see what was there. “What is the matter here?” He asked, seeing a couple of women crippled to their knees, sobbing. [color=87ceeb]“People are trapped, m’lord.”[/color] An elderly man answered, rubbing his hand along one of the women’s backs. [color=87ceeb]“We are not strong enough to move the rocks.” “My boy is in there!”[/color] The woman cried out, returning to a fit of sobs. [color=87ceeb]“There are many there, m’lord!”[/color] The knight moved closer, putting his hand on the pile of rocks. What to do? As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he could hear the faint whimpering behind the rock wall. He put his ear to the rocks to listen further. There were calls for help and crying. They sounded panicked and weak. He couldn’t tell how many were there, but it did sound like multiple. Maerec pulled back and assessed the situation before deciding the best action plan would be just to start pulling rocks away from the top. Some were small enough to do by hand, others, Maerec was forced to use his gift. Dieudonne had noticed Maerec was not calling for the groups to advance and turned to see where the knight might have gone. Seeing Maerec in the back pulling away rocks, he began to trot over and called out to him. [color=228b22]“Sir Maerec?”[/color] [color=#887188]“There’s some trapped,”[/color] Maerec called back, grunting as he pushed aside a giant rock and staggered back as others began to slide. [color=#887188]“We need to get to them!”[/color] Dieudonne quickly picked up on what Maerec was doing and motioned for the people to move out of the way. The two moved rocks off to the sides to create a pathway. The more they drove, the more Maerec could see an opening for him to squeeze through. He could get to them and then move rocks from the other side. [color=#887188]“Wait until you can hear me on the other side before moving more rocks.”[/color] He ordered as he began to test the rocks that created the small space. They didn’t seem like they would move without Force magic. At least Maerec would be safe from being crushed for now… He began to slip through, having to turn sideways to fit. His armor scraped against rock, and he had to strategically push and pull rubble to make more of a clearing for himself to move forward. [color=#887188]“Agh– Can you hear me?!”[/color] He called out to the people that were somewhere on the other side. [color=#887188]“If you can, move the rocks that I push! You will see them move!”[/color] He extended his hand and used his ability to start making some rocks shake slightly. If they could, those on the other side could just start pulling at them to make it clearer. [color=87ceeb]“I see it!” “We can!”[/color] He heard faintly and then followed the sound of shuffling rubble. They continued this process for a few minutes until Maerec saw an opening. He heard cries of relief and could see dozens of people crouched and huddled or lying on the ground. They looked weak, some even as if death welcomed them early. Maerec pushed himself into the accidental room and began to tear away at the rock barrier. [color=#887188]“Stay clear.”[/color] He told the people behind him as he made clawing motions with his hands, which allowed Force to move more rock than he normally could. [color=#887188]“Now, Dieudonne!”[/color] From the other side, he could also hear the rocks moving. Eventually, the wall of rock crumbled away enough to allow an opening. [color=#887188]“Go now, through the opening! If you can carry the injured, do so.”[/color] He ordered as he turned towards the people and checked to see who he should help carry. An older man far too large for any of the women to carry ended up being put on Maerec’s back while simultaneously picking up a child who seemed to be barely breathing. The more people that went through the opening, the larger the space became. They dragged rock along with them as they stepped out to the other side, which immensely helped Maerec as he went through last. As he was going through, he heard the cracking and shattering as a boulder came falling from the cave ceiling behind him. He heard screams of fright and some stopped in the middle of the pathway leading to where Dieudonne remained. [color=#887188]“Keep going!”[/color] He called and could hear Dieudonne echo his command. Maerec pressed forward, ushering the people to move quickly. He prayed they were still alive. [color=#887188]“Go, go!”[/color] He called, forcing the sobbing women to jolt but rush forward. The men followed suit as fast as they could with their injuries. After an eternity of pushing past the crumbled rock, they saw the light Dieudonne had lit to guide Maerec back. [color=#887188]“It’s the last of them.”[/color] Maerec huffed, handing Dieudonne the child in his arms. [color=#887188]“We must hurry; there’s been too much time lost.”[/color] The sound of shifting rock behind them told Maerec that section of the cavern wasn’t going to hold much longer. It would be helpful to Caelum but certainly not to him now. [color=#887188]“Hurry, hurry!”[/color] The two Parrench pushed forward, being the last two to rush out using Force to aid the handful of townspeople and their loved ones back on the now-filled clearing. Maerec took the final people to the clearing. [color=#887188]“Do not go back to the cavern, no matter what.”[/color] He told some villagers who stared at the cavern almost longingly. It was confirmed that there had been some loved ones lost. Parrench guards assured him they would watch the townspeople, and Maerec met with Dieudonne again. [color=#887188]“Hopefully, they have made progress even with our delay….”[/color] The two rushed back to the cavern, heading to where Caelum, Mathieos, and others had gone. [color=#887188]“Cavern is clear!”[/color] The two shouted out, and echoes of the announcement resounded to meet Caelum. When Caelum received word the cavern was clear, Mathieos, himself, and others began using their Force magic to drive all the enormous rocks they collected inside the caverns. Wherever there were columns and halls, a Force user was stacking rocks. The idea was to create more columns of stones to disperse the weight that was applying pressure onto the current cavern structure. Finally, as the last stones were wedged into place deep inside the cavern, the Parrench soldiers exited with only their prayers and the skill of the Blood mages above to depend on. [hider=Summary]• Continuation of Caelum and Maerec post at Port Morilles. • Caelum proposes a plan to have Force and Blood users support the cliffs so that the city does not fall into the sea. • Queen Eleanor agrees to the idea and suggests Maerec go with. He agrees. • Caelum with his assistants Mathios, Dieudonne and Maerec and a handful of Parrench soldiers ride out to the caves below. • Maerec offers to go evacuate the cave, requesting Dieudonne go with him as support. A group of Soldier is also going with him to help escort people to a safe clearing. • Caelum and Mathios direct Force and some Blood users to collect rocks nearby to use to fill the caves. • Maerec and Dieudonne enter the caverns, find the people, and begin directing them out of the cave. Maerec discovers there are people trapped behind a collapsed part of the cave. Begins digging them out with Dieudonne's assistance. • Manages to get to the other side and helps out as many people as he can, then they all escape the cave. Gives the word to Caelum to begin filling the cave with rocks and molding them into more support beams to hold the cliff from falling.[/hider]