[color=silver] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ytrnT1r.png?2[/img][/center] [Color=lightblue][b]Time:[/b][/color] Evening [Color=lightblue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Guarav Village [Color=lightblue][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Isolde [@Blizz], Dante [@Alivefalling], Menzai [@samreaper], and Aidan [@potter] [Color=lightblue][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [Hider=Equipment:] Armor Deflection Channeling Gloves [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/980/670/large/robyn-clara-black-war-paint.jpg?1554205631]Ergen named Marble[/url] [url=https://imgur.com/jCJexzN]Padded Cloth Armor[/url] Memory Glass Teeth Cleanser Hair Cleanser Hair Softener Body Cleanser Armpit Fragrance Wayfinder Backpack 4 flasks 3 Medium Red Potions 4 Medium Blue Potions 3 Black Potions [url=https://imgur.com/a/NHVyiTT]Elven Outfit[/url] 170 [/hider] [hr] Unlike Isolde, Darius flinched some before chuckling at Dante. [color=lightblue]“[i]Really?![/i]”[/color] He thought Dante’s antics were a bit much but when it came to training, however, Dante was always that way. He couldn’t say it didn’t keep things interesting or had him reminisce about how things used to be before Dante… [color=lightblue][i]What happened?[/i][/color] This question had plagued him ever since seeing Dante in Avalia. The fact that his brother was alive wasn’t even the weirdest part. Dante was actually from a time before his death, which closed the age gap between them a lot more. Darius didn’t like thinking about it as it opened an old wound for him, so with quickness, he snapped out of it. Instead of Dante, Darius chose to focus on the competition at hand. [color=lightblue]“I couldn’t agree more with Isolde. We jump the fog beast and everyone will have exactly the points we need. Besides, everyone knows it would come down between me and Isolde for the win. Menzai never said you two sneaking off to knock boots in the woods was prohibited.”[/color] Darius shrugged with a grin as he stepped next to Isolde to show his alignment with her plan. [/color]